Sailor Jupiter

I have been somewhat active in the anti-cap movement for a few years so I saw Blackfish (I have the poster I got from an early screening hanging on the wall right next me as I type this). While some of PeTA's causes align with my own I just can't endorse such a sexist, racist, and otherwise problematic organization.

I agree that feral cats are a huge problem. Outdoor cats are such an easy problem to fix which is why they piss me off so much. Just keep your cats inside.

Sea World is terrible so I am glad to see people protesting, but PeTA is also terrible so I am sad to see them getting any positive attention. I don't know how to feel about this.

That is also true. Florida has a lot of invasive species problems that are a lot more complex than just individual people letting go of their pythons. In warm climates it is really easy for a species to fuck up the entire ecosystem - because they don't all just die in the winter like you see colder areas.

My sister is a herpetologist and while she knows many really great reptile hobbyists, when people don't know what they are doing shit goes downhill quick. Florida has a terrible problem with invasive Burmese pythons that started because people were releasing their pets into the wild. They are better at hunting than

Well said. I really liked this movie and being a big Scorsese fan I could see what he was doing pretty clearly. He was showing us an absolutely despicable human being but somehow getting us to like him. A lot of credit goes to DiCaprio's acting and a less charismatic man as lead would have killed the effect.

I don't have this problem because I dont really allow anyone to take my picture. Seriously, I take one for my mom to have every few years but other than that - no dice.

A lot of the time I feel like people use "shaming" when they mean to say "you are being an asshole". So people, I give you free permission: if someone feels the need to insult your taste in music (different from just disagreeing or not sharing your taste) or tells you that your tattoo looks fucking stupid, tell them:

Well said. You deserve an Idris Elba gif.

I feel like if I was writing a song where I sampled the audio of anyone dying a fiery death - I would have checked in with the families to ask permission. Just out of respect.

That gif is amazing.

I don't really use vending machines because my work doesn't have any but I don't feel like this would make a difference. Vending machines pretty much specialize in junk food, people know that they shouldn't eat it and they still do. Showing them a number doesn't seem like an effective deterrent.

Unfortunately his views aren't just ignorant but deeply hurtful. While I think it is good to have discussions about things we may be ignorant of, like say how I have no idea how physics works, and not have that effect your job in television (unless of course you host a physics show or something). I don't believe that

Joan Rivers calling someone out for looking like she doesn't have a nose? That's rich.

I don't fly a lot but I often have problems with movie theater seats. I am 5'10" and often my legs will be right up against the seat in front of me, so if I move- even a little - it jostles their seat. I have leg issues so there is no way I can not move them for 2 hours or they will start to really hurt. I

I feel like everywhere has a good amount of racism. I am from New England and trust me, we have plenty of racism. One of my good friends is from Tennessee and is a self-dubbed red neck (he even has a confederate flag in his apartment). He is also Asian-American and born in Seoul, South Korea. According to him he has