Thank you
Thank you
Your first point makes me think they are more like white supremacists. Ever heard or Don't go there if you haven't, its full of nazis. But most of those people tell their followers to back off if someone confronts them about their racism IRL so they don't get discriminated against for their "unpopular…
So sorry to hear about your dog. I lost my lab of 14 years a few years ago and I know how hard it sucks. Sending you good vibes from across the internet.
Unfortunately there are huge gaps in breast cancer research particularly because of how uncoordinated the spending is. Most research samples use all middle class white women, and funding agencies don't really notice until you shove it in their face. Also, almost all focus on a very narrow view of treatment (the slash…
Ok can someone explain to me how MRAs are not like white supremacists? White supremacists believe that minorities are secretly in control of the government and that white people are the ones who are really oppressed. MRAs believe that a rad-fem agenda is secretly in control of the government and that men are really…
Once again HermioneStranger's comments are the best thing about the article I am reading.
That is actually really interesting. Evangelical Christianity is not like that - in fact if my Church leaders knew Catholics thought of the Apostles as on the same level as Christ, they would have lost their shit.
That book is so awesome (and horrifying). Jessica Valenti also has a really great tumblr btw.
That thing looks awesome but it is too small for me to read. Do you know where I can find a larger version?
I have always said you could wrap Shaun White in tinfoil and I would still find him sexy. I guess the Olympics are trying to call my bluff.
I was not Catholic so I was unaware of their decision to enshrine Leviticus. Seems odd, but thanks for sharing.
So I grew up going to evangelical Christian camp (think "jesus camp") and so I have my "dealing with religious bigots" game down. So to everyone on the internet who is like "freedom of religion!! ARGARGARG" to them I have three things to say:
I feel like everyone needs to calm their shit over crowdfunding websites. No one is making you give money to them. If you don't like it, then go spend time on some of the millions of other sites on the internet.
I am in love with her Jacket. So cute! Don't know how I feel about the tweed dress though... seems like some sort of mish-mash between a 2nd grade teacher's outfit and a teddy.