Thanks. I am from Mass (we have jury pool issues so we do it wicked early) so I wasn't super sure of what stage this was at.
Thanks. I am from Mass (we have jury pool issues so we do it wicked early) so I wasn't super sure of what stage this was at.
Gossip columnists are officially the lowest common denominator of humanity. Seriously, I have met drug dealers I have more respect for than these people.
Yes, but they can kind of be used interchangeably. Venire just means the selection of jurors from the community and vior dire is the name for the actual process in court (so like expanded vs. limited vior dire).
Does anyone know when Venire will start?
I have been sick off my ass all day with chemo side effects and this just made me laugh so hard. Best part of my night.
Yeah that series is terrible in all kinds of ways. I only rattled off a few because if I kept going I would have been writing all night.
I feel ya girl. I have a natural uni-brow (thanks German and Sicilian ancestors!) and extremely thick brows. I try and keep them neat but if I don't get around to tweezing for a few days it is ridiculous the kind of looks I get.
Oh really? That is kind of badass. I used to work in a civil court and it is hilarious the kind of shit people want to sue over (most of them never even file though - they just come in and ask questions).
Yay Jezebel is featuring another Akilah video! She is the best :)
He "imprints" on her. They make up some BS about it being about protecting and yada-yada-yada... but yes, he pretty much falls in love with a baby
I don't know the intimate details of Eminem's relationship with his ex-wife, and I doubt you do either. A lot of abusers I've met love to tell me how they are the real victims, and they are often very convincing. Maybe she was abusive towards him, maybe she wasn't. Frankly, I don't really care about his personal life,…
His relationship with Bella is inappropriate and perverted but he is not a pedophile. Pedophilia is actually a medical diagnosis for inappropriate sexual attraction to prepubescent adolescent girls. Bella has gone through puberty when she meets Edward.
Laura, I gotta ask - why did you write this article if you have never seen the movies or read the books? Is there no one at Jezebel who could have actually given an informed opinion?
It is good stuff. I also love confessions. If any song is gonna be a feminist anthem, forget Lily Allen - it should be Tim Minchin!
Thank you for saying this and for compiling those disgusting quotes. I agree wholeheartedly.
As a survivor of domestic violence and a former domestic violence legal advocate, Eminem's music disgusts me. He unapologetically advocates for violence against women, and when questioned about it he blames his ex-wife, painting her as the one responsible for the abuse he throws at her (classic abuser behavior).
Amy from the West Wing said it best:
I am just gonna leave this here
Never cite the Daily Mail. It makes the credible sources Angels weep.
For legit nail polish I only use clear top coat. For the actual paint I use acrylics because they are easier to control, mix, and they don't smell so God awful.