They are doing this now, VWG (what I've normally read here iturbo-petrol engines
They are doing this now, VWG (what I've normally read here iturbo-petrol engines
Sounds like you're the one to ask about a burning question I've had and Google couldn't sate: What causes a power curve, and more intriguing to me is what causes all the spikes in engine output when graphed? If an engine makes max power at say 6krpm and has an 8krpm redline, what is happening for the last 2krpm? One…
So why hasn't this caught on? I just mimed what that would be like and it's far better than the "novel" paperclip design! If I'm 2nd seat and he's first my arm is behind him and his arm goes over mine to the armrest which curves toward me, but since his arm comes from above the arms don't actually interfere with each…
Great vid! What are they singing?
The Diablo! The F40 got its time in Outrun; frankly I haven't played many games but I can't remember one where the Diablo appears as the "centrepiece". Infact the Diablo road cars made their first appearance in GT6 (along with 1000+ other cars so not really what I meant). ....ugh I wrote all that then just realised it…
Yes also to CD player and Bluetooth (though doubt the latter adds more than a few hundred grams), also LOL for tacho and trip computer as "features", next they'll be boasting about providing seats for free...
Spot on man. This car is really just slightly more "hatchbacky" than a normal crossover
And the one reason why it works: "Almost half of women say that a guy's car reflects his economic status." And to be considered arrogant, yea that's really not doing men any favours with the ladies...
Wait what the hell! I thought you were replying to the post directly above you which was the Pacifica :D
Never have I felt such understeer looking at a still image.
For a crossover it's pretty poor...
And the "sequential clutch" the clutches melt into each other instead of gears - such a beautifully simple and effective idea but I bet they cost your month's wage!
The knees are the least hairy part of your leg! (apart from the "knee pit")
Shame many will watch the first half or 3/4 of this clip and miss a very good point Clarkson makes at the end!
Erm, some English help pls! I looked up syndicate but am still not getting it's usage here, what are syndicated words/syndication of words?
If you watch the vid from the start it's clear what happened, he was already going wide to overtake the car in front as he is going faster. Watching that same distance between the cars it shows when the wheel came flying he must have braked as he stops gaining on the other car noticeably. Also he did steer to avoid…
These are training dragsters, of course, having automatic transmissions and somewhat less power than a real, grown-up dragster, but don't take that to mean that these cars are anything but real. They still are putting out about 550 HP from a massive Chevy V8 engine right behind your head, and there's huge fat tires at…