
this is cool to see cos i used to as a kid but i guess i need to watch the full doc to see if they made any changes to the carts (they’ll almost definitely the 2 wheel turning type rather than 4 wheel turn cos then he’d just strafe) they tip over fairly easy also the speed he’s doing on that road it wud be vibrating

How can i find my old articles on like web archives etc? I’ve tried searching on goolge & on the link above for the article whose title i remember exactly (trying to diet go plastic (but cant remember the abbrevs i used a lot of !!!! etc those days) it was about torlon a plastic u can make car engines withsaves a huge

Any more by chance? :D

Oh my god thank you so much!!!!! It’s really rare to have really hi-res pics of my 2 favs the GT & the SE30... I’ll be taking this to the print shop tomorrow))) it should be big enough to print quite big :D

Great pics - have you please got any of the SE30 in the first pic in full size? Or atleast that same one but expandable like the others? Thanks a lot

Miura & Countach were both the fastest production cars for their time when they came out

The lighting) looks great on the cars on the first few pics

Car & designer with Jay Leno

Shame cos you would’ve been doing it VERY right

Yea was hoping for desktop size as well

This intrigued me, not a torquey engine but was curious if its high output meant more torque than the usual limos, so I googled a bit:

At first I thought you might’ve been opening in new tab the image directly from the article rather than expanding first but both led to the same. Solution is to remove c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800 from the url, which is after the upload/ and before the filename of the image

Yeah, there’s always that worry, I think about it too being brown, but then I also think about (although slowly) how wealth is spreading to new groups due to new ways to make big money like youtube. That makes me think how cops will traditionally stop a young driver in a nice car more often, but now that the supercar

There’re more CCTV cameras in London than anywhere else in the world. That I guess deters most of the crap that owners (and us!) would worry about

Hey Ken I love your articles on supercars in Japan! But I came here hoping to see more of the Diablo GT - do you have any more pictures of that yellow GT in the 2nd pic in the article? Much appreciated if you could post can never have enough pictures and every Lamborghini you’ve photographed and placed in

racecars have quicker ratio steering racks than roadcars (many components get upgraded for racing, if the car is even the stock chassis underneath)

Using one weird old trick...

Everyone just says chrome; sounds like he doesn’t use it, so he may never have realised that :D

He probably got that cos there were no better options for his size

I’m not gonna be naive & pretend to be shocked cars don’t come with manuals anymore but...a drag racing special?? It’s a bigger part of the equation in drag than in anything else you’ll do in a car (apart from park :P)