
I have nothing against EVs, even EV supercars. Some of them are deeply impressive and the strides made in battery and motor technology in recent years is exciting in its own way. But forcing every manufacturer into making only EVs through draconian, nonsensical, heavy handed regulations, and in such a short timespan,

Because Trees wouldn’t be able to breathe. You can cut emissions by 50% right now, by just having people work from home, having housing closer to work be cheaper, or bring the work to where the people live. The rest will just be a natural progression. Manufacturers will still develop, and eventually only sell Electric

Exactly. This is either stupidity or virtue signaling. Focusing on cars as a source of carbon emissions is idiotic to begin with, since personal cars account for less than 9% of carbon emissions globally. And focusing on manufacturers that small, of cars that get driven only a small number of miles, is even more

Here’s a great example of EU bureaucrats wasting time on nonsense. Forcing low-volume automakers to produce less-polluting models is such a false economy (in terms of the environment) that it’s hardly even worth the trouble. Most models from automakers delivering less than 10.000 cars per year are almost certainly for

Italian production is part of the lore. Being born in an “emerging nation” much of the appeal comes from the luxury or even pedestrian good being from Italy or Germany or something like that. Hell I made myself believe packaged cheese slices tasted good just because they were American. So production needs to stay in

I’d say the bigger news (in terms of impact) is that they are finally pushing for emissions regulations on shipping; even though they are only asking for a 40% reduction by 2030. 

I see prices going way up and production going down to 999 cars a year. Nobody wants an electric Ferrari, if you want raw performance and not much else, you can already get that from cars much cheaper than a Ferrari.

This is a terrific way to get to know your local EMTs. They’re great guys and girls, some of the best people out there.

Does Tesla’s Autopilot recognize other vehicle’s turn signals? Legitimately asking, because that can make a huge difference.
But this is absolutely the system not performing anything life saving imo. Honestly, I probably would have taken over prior to the split to ensure the car went where I wanted and then re-engage.

Never got to take a bag home (I didn’t have the balls), but whenever we emptied the Frosty machine at Wendy’s (it reverted back to it’s original form), I’d fill several large cups with it. It was the nectar of the Gods!

Come on man, you’re better than that.”

the only reason a certain generation of nerds likely knows about the Commendatore 112i at all is thanks to its inclusion in Need For Speed II.”

I felt this in my soul.
All that time playing the game and I had no idea there was only one! 

One of the Commendatore’s most notable quirks — its periscope rearview mirror mounted above the roof of the car and visible through a small window

Don’t forget all the Krystals in strip clubs.

What have you done? East European metal made into vehicular crapcan?

This is somehow the best thing I have ever read.

At least they didn’t find the hidden Fuel Shark.

This is basically exactly how many audiophile miracle improvement products work. In fact, based on the wording of the “explanations”, I’d be shocked if this guy wasn’t also into, or at least aware of, high-end audio tweaks.