Pretty sure that’s Jessica Lange...
Pretty sure that’s Jessica Lange...
Usually you have to go a lot further than second base before the Colon is involved.
The NASL went 0-7 against the third-tier USL in the Open Cup just this past week.
So Vanessa Williams didn’t tell you about this earlier? She decided to save the best for last?
I think some people just don’t get subtle humor. The humor in DougExeter’s comment is in the fact that he’s ASSAULTING the official. Of course you’re allowed to use your hands to ASSAULT someone. The funny was on implying the goalie thought he couldn’t use his hands because he was outside the goalie’s box.
What an idiot. He’s allowed to use his hands.
$1,500 x 2 a month = $3K. $3K x 6 months a year playing = $18K.
For your information, he was going to sell that ball to help pay for that boat to go to college.
I hope the guy who owns a boat finally catches a lucky break here.
Honestly, I feel like Rylghiostiz Krygzyrgyshysvylgis will have a bigger impact. Banking all of your hopes on Zbndnvditz is career suicide.
Hey, I know it’s a Spanish language broadcast, but you can’t just assume one of the guys involved is named Jesus. Sheesh.
From hugging? Are you baptist?
“Baby, I’m gonna treat you like a taxpayer...”
Costa does a better tough guy impression when he has teammates to pull him away. One-on-one, not so much.
As if being an Arsenal fan wasn’t already embarrassing enough.
So it’s worse than beating your wife, but not as bad as beating your wife but being caught on tape.
It also determines, indirectly, how puffy Arsene Wenger’s coat will have to be next year.
Not largely meaningless.
Congrats to Murray for winning his first Golden Torture Dildo.