Sad Pipe

Ladies & Gentlemen, the Assholes of Pop:

Leasing is the only way to pay for a EV.  After the lease term, it’s an albatross.  Let the dealer eat the cost of prepping or scrapping it.

. . . there’s a reason that pickup trucks are top sellers here in the U.S. and it’s not because of some nefarious plan by the Illuminati. No, the reason is just that pickups can be versatile, practical, and, if simple enough as many are, reliable.

Why do I hear Yackety Sax when looking at this picture?

I confirm the Zippo lighter guarantee. I’ve mailed a lighter whose cover broke off, & got it back from them after a few weeks.

If you’re always the victim, then there’s a good chance that you’re a narcissist too.

I’m not so sure that Putey would blow off a nuke just to show that he would. He’s batshit crazy. If he would go thru the trouble of shooting 1 off, then I think that he would aim for actual Ukrainians. Taking out Kiiv like the US took out Hiroshima would be a big penis feather in his cap, & for the glory of Russia.

I hope that you learned this the easy way.

I would if I had 25000 bucks burning a hole in my pocket. It’s a nice little camper in great shape. But

My parents are the demographic for the cheap new car. Their MO has been to pick a new stripper & drive it into the ground.  They would never consider buying a used car, because they couldn’t fathom why anyone would ever sell a car if it were still reliable, so of course a used car is just someone else’s problem.

But at the end they were rebadged Opels.

But by that time (in fact, by the 1980s), weren’t the lines between the GM divisions blurred enough that the divisions weren’t distinct enough to allow for inner competition? By that time they were swapping not only fenders but also engines.

Good vehicle to scare misbehaving children in

Not much for me to say. Today’s candidate is in good shape, relatively analog, & without any pedals missing, & costs “what the hell” money. Modern sound system is cake.

America did choose to build Falcon

I don’t know specific engines like the rest of us Jalops here, so I can speak only in generalities. & in general, I much prefer the cylinders in 1 line.

What’s bizarre about this phenomenon is the sheer scale of it.

Agreed.  It’s kind of like having a gourmet meal on paper plates.

1 out of 10 times the RR will come in particularly handy. That 1 time is not worth the apprehension & bitten fingernails (& a few boat payments for the mechanic) to me.

I at least like the leasing suggestion. The lease ends about when the vehicle starts falling to shit. Then. . . it’s no longer my problem, & I’m off the hook.