Sad Pipe

Nah. They’re as cheap as real estate in Manhattan.

What’s with the addition of M accessories to obviously non M Bimmers? Isn’t this akin to adding SS accessories to obviously non SS Chevys? Is this a poser move, or are you meant to buy pieces of M as you see fit?

But this doesn’t have the 2.2, or worse, the Iron Puke.  I’m sure that some leeway is in order, some.


I’d rather have cloth seats if you ask me. But yes, I realize that this is a MB, so, given the choice, I would go with MB Tex every single time. Leather is an option lost on me.

Today’s candidate is worth the asking price more as a historical curiosity than an actual vehicle. With its limited cartage & speed & probaby Robin-like handling, it’s not going to see any practical use. Cars & Coffee - maybe. Deliveries from the home improvement store - maybe.

I’ll take the C5 (FRC?).

If that’s true, then grab some nachos & some live Grateful Dead (on cassette tape of course) & get ready to giggle for hours!

It’s not Frank Cannon size. Rebadge as an LTD2, paint it brown & call it Barnaby Jones size.

Well, you get more luxury & drivability with a TC. Latitude too.

Decent vehicle, not that great of a price.

Let me know when they have a cheap, numbers matching feulie C2!

48000 pounds?  That’s Rolls Royce money!  Did Benny Hill have sex in it?

That’s the thing: they were engineered well, but not made for Great Lake winters.

Thanks for clearing that up.  I was wondering about that.

Out of curiosity: what’s your color?

I’m really impressed with how clean this is. But I’m not as impressed with the price. It’s solidly at least 5000 bucks too high, & that’s after I’ve won the biggest lottery of all time. Otherwise, this is 10000 bucks too high.

Sounds like an incel. Very bitter? Good looking women are just looking to marry simps, eat bon-bons & watch soap operas all day for 10 years, then divorce & nab 1/2? Sounds about right. I’m surprised that he doesn’t believe that good looking women aren’t Jews. (With all due respect to my Jewish family, of course, not

Not a beater yet, close to beater asking price, & not missing any pedals. NP if this is generally what you want/need.

For some reason I’m not a huge fan of the Viper. I don’t really know why. On paper, I should be.