Sad Pipe

This could probably fund a small country!

Plasti Dip is a good non-commital way to change colors. Maybe it’s even a round-about way to clean. Price is the unknown factor for me.

Except Astros are the shit.  They are somewhat a rare case in autodom (& GM!) where compromise actually made sense.  For those who didn’t need a full-ass Chevy van, a slightly smaller platform & parts bin assembly did the trick quite well.

Technically NP, but I’m not touching this with a 3 meter pole.

All that effort &. . . a slushbox?  CP.

Jimmy McMillan here.  Very nice wagon, & I’m guessing that it will last awhile.  But the asking price for this 30ish year old car is just too damn high.

A LI Wegman’s is in the works, I hear.  I will guess that there will be more.

A LI Wegman’s is in the works, I hear.  I will guess that there will be more.

I must be living under a rock. What’s the deal with 4-eyed figures? Is this a thing? & is the adult Happy Meal adult because the meal part is bigger?

It’s nice to see a VW el Camino again. . . until you don’t see amber turn signals out back. (Yup, I have drunk the Kool Aid that Torch gave me.)  So I can’t stamp the NP Seal of Approval on this. It may be worth the asking price otherwise.

As a life-long Western New Yorker, I confirm the divine status of Wegman’s. People want to shop (& work) there. It’s like a drug.

Disagree with you with which should be #1 in New York. It should be Wegman’s. Store has a cult-like loyalty. I’ve heard of Rochesterian ex-patriots driving up to 2 hours to get to 1.

YES, but only if it marks the end of a sentence. Periods are used for other purposes, such as signifying an abbreviation. Double spacing after the end of a sentence thus potentially clears up ambiguity.

The problem with inverting backpacks is that they will fray when you put them in a wash. At best, you will have many vinyl threads hanging off. At worst, it will rip the bag to shreds.

A friend who services & repairs appliances is similarly surprised that most people don’t do this simple thing.  It seems common sense to me too to clean the lint out.

I’ll probably say it again & again: the problem with this country (& doubtless many others) & its ass-backwards shift to the right is old money. These old farts spend their whole lives amassing money & political power. They keep on living as if the world hasn’t changed since their childhoods & expect others to see the

Yup, the US is so fucking litigious. If there’s money potentially to be made in a lawsuit, chances are that the lawsuit will go thru. Even if the lawsuit is without merit & totally unwinnable, it’s a long hassle for everyone involved.

3th Gear:

If the manual transmission doesn’t deter theft, then nothing will.

This would have the capacity to carry enough batteries to give it a usable range.