Sad Pipe

Monochroming the logo particularly pissed me off.

At 1th I thought that the latter is a stoner’s eye. Now I see that it’s a snake.

To me, Buick is Cadillac light. Before (& after) the days when they just had to have everything between a J body & Electra 225 just like every other GM division, it always has been.

I’d like to see a return to the Horsepower Wars when all divisions, even within the same company, competed against each other. Common bodies (A, B, F, X, etc.) but no parts bin sharing between Chevy & BOP.

Forensic Files called. They want to do a DNA/spectroscopic/sniff analysis on what is stuck under the anachronistic hood ornament.

The most expensive Jaguar is an inexpensive Jaguar.

Now if only the missing pedal would make a comeback. . . .

Off topic, but I wish that they would allocate some missing pedals to the C8 program.

More likely, that committee is of bean counters.

2th gear: I know what they’re missing: clutches.

At least the HVAC controls were tangible.

We can always count on regional joints like Portillo’s. . . .

For that price that shit better have THC or Viagra - something!

One would think that there would be enough foodies out there that would demand foodstuffs that taste pleasant, & more importantly, genuine.

I assumed STP but now you cause me to remember what happens when we assume.

But can we turn Anon-Q into anything useful?

David Tracy defies uppity neighbors, buys many Jeeps.

. . . a new phase of water ice, after they put ordinary ice (emphasis replyer’s) under extraordinarily high pressure and melted it before letting it refreeze. . . . the cubic structure of the ice phase from which it forms, Ice-7. (Replyer’s note: I refuse to use awkward AF Roman numerals.)

Intrinsically CP. I would want 10000-15000 bucks of the asking price.

Found On River Dead?