sad dogs

And the fatshaming commences

And supported Bay when he was accused of sexually harassing multiple women!

Oh ffs you don’t have to act like seeing a little bit of fat on a woman is some kind of traumatic experience

Z-grade trolling

Anyway believe victims

That’s not...anything anyone said...

I knew this was Jesse as soon as I saw him praise the fridge scene

It is not at all weird to say movies that are made today should strive to be less racist than movies that were made in the past

The biggest problem with LC is the way it makes Sallah and Marcus into stupid comedy characters.

I’m so glad the AV Club commentariat is able to be mature about sexual assault

So believe victims but not really, got it

Every single one of your creepy comments is making my skin crawl

Lol gimme a break

If it kills people doesn’t that make it the worst TV soundtrack ever?

Besides, who would they even get? The closest thing to heir apparents to the Dem throne are people like Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Weiner, both of whom have said they would never challenge Biden because they’re smart enough to know that if they go for the presidency this year, they’ll blow any chance of ever getting

Come on man, think. Why in the world would Trump bother showing up for a second debate when he’s already accomplished everything he needs to do with this one? Why would he give Biden a second chance?


There will be no second debate

It’s not a question of “doing Kamala”; it’s the fact that if the Dem nomination for the presidency suddenly becomes vacant, 4 million wannabes are going to throw their hat into the ring, with the Democratic convention only two months away. You thought the “Dems in disarray” stories were bad up until now?

There is absolutely no way this happens. Even if Biden would ever agree to it, which he won’t, it would result in total chaos and the Dems would be in just as much trouble as they are now, if not more.