sad dogs

They said they liked it

Yeah you think it’s funny to shit on people who have been through unimaginable trauma and I don’t

This is why I don’t fuck with Stewart, because he feels obligated to give racist assholes like this airtime

“who cares” really lol

Just give Cable his own show already

No he’s right

This is a weird false choice

Now who’s not interested in engaging?

These are the worst kind of comments

I think it’s amazing that you think I need to listen to yet another abuse apologist wring their hands over the fate of the poor predators and genuinely come to the conclusion that I’ll learn something new about human nature from this exchange when I’ve heard it all a million times before. But then I’m apparently

Except you still justified people calling victims liars

Comedians who mock children facing death publicly haven’t learned how to avoid hurting people

I’m not sure that someone who mocks children who have been shot at has worked on himself and made himself a better person

He made jokes about school shooting victims

He made jokes about school shooting victims

He got criticized for humiliating and harassing women, get out of it

The movie was notoriously very poorly received by critics when it first came out

Poor Bridget Fonda.

0/10 for low energy
