sad dogs

His all-in dive on antagonizing every critique of the film for its white savior bullshit has made it hard to listen to anything he has to say when not on screen.

Paywall. But apparently he shits on people who didn’t like his white savior movie? 

But, according to the author of this piece, if you’re man, it’s not your place to find it misogynistic, since a handful of women didn’t.

Bon mots? I don’t see any kind of cute cleverness here or, especially, any performativity. Mocking murdered children isn’t cool.

Art and culture is kind of essential to a society continuing to function, and if the arts are inhabited only by the wealthy you get art that doesn’t understand over half of the society it comes from. 

“…she worked on a kibbutz and eventually joined Zionist paramilitary organization Haganah, where she was trained as a scout and a sniper. After sustaining a serious injury in the 1947-1949 Palestine war, Westheimer left what was, by then, the State Of Israel…”

I think there’s also a complicated blowback of disappointment going on that certainly I experienced and probably other like-minded fans experienced. I’ve been around these sites for a while. When Gawker first put up an article featuring a third-hand account of a Louis accusation I was pretty adamant in the comments

Yeah, I had a similar reaction when that statement first hit. I found it to be thoughtful and genuine.

The worst part is probably his terrible actions.

Shelley herself said the Kubrick thing was overblown and that she mostly enjoyed the experience of working with him. It was a tough shoot with some shitty moments but greatly exaggerated in its retellings.

Just imagine if the genders were reversed here and how it would look if people were this skeptical of a woman complaining about being assaulted physically and verbally.

Regardless, it’s weird to ignore the substance of the whole comment to focus on a goofball bit of obvious hyperbole in the very last, very speculative paragraph.

The issue at hand isn’t whether he’s richer than Croesus or whatever, the issue at hand is that he’s acted like a creepy sex-pest in even the kindest, most


A fine, fine comeback. Bravo!

I bow to your clearly superior rhetorical skills. Your trenchant bon mot has laid me low, so incisive and devastating it was.

Ugh. Gaiman’s relationships have always been weird, so I wouldn’t entirely be surprised. Amanda Palmer’s “Whakanewa” suddenly seems to be saying a lot more than we initially thought.

He’s always reminded me of that charming guy everyone knew at least one of in their early 20's,; the guy who stumbles from relationship

Gaiman’s deeds with younger females who admired his work was well known among people who worked in the convention industry as far back as 2011. There’s a lot more women who may come forward.

*Law and Order guy loading boxes on a thing.

Eat shit, you terrible, terrible fucking person.

I’m going to go out on a really risky limb and guess you’re white.

Did you really just do an “I’m not racist but” with the only woc female lead in the Arrowverse? Come on son