sad dogs

To be fair, it’s not unreasonable for Zemeckis to assume no one saw Toys.

No Love Lies Bleeding?

Right I forgot

Imagine still being mad at Anita Sarkeesian in 2024

I like how you deny you’re using an argument and then use that very same argument in the next comment. And for someone who claimed to be done, you’re the one who seems pretty keen on continuing an argument from a week ago. Now tell me to do better again, as if I owe you shit.

Your very first reply to me was “you don’t know my thoughts”

You really wanted to type that word out didn’t you

Yes, his black privilege is working overtime. Rolls eyes.

Nobody tell this guy about the Republican Party

Someone needs to explain to you that “U don’t know my lyfe” stopped being a coherent defense sometime around 1998.

Go away

Right, and you picked that post to reply to in an article about a black woman being bombarded with racist harassment

You can literally click through and look at the comments on her instagram post

We’re still doing fat suits in 2024? Oh...

Nah more like scenario A: you made a post that sounded insensitive and indifferent to rampant bigotry and now you’re doubling down with a ton of annoying self-righteousness

You made the choice to post it so I don’t know what you expected. I don’t know why you think anyone has time to conjure an elaborate backstory for some rando on the internet

If you look at a black woman receiving an avalanche of racist hate and your first reaction is “yeah but the show is boring” your moral compass might be fucked

You suck

Lol you mad

Well this went from 0 to 90 quickly