sad dogs

I’m sure the trans community appreciates your concern

Calm down dude, nobody’s gonna make you put on a dress

I expressed an opinion too! Crazy how that works!

You literally started this thread by boasting about how uninterested you were. I’m just trying to be cool like you

Ah, the “cared enough to comment” tactic, the last refuge of trolls everywhere

Justice = revenge? Has a nice Newspeak feeling.

People acting above it all aren’t particularly interesting either

I’ve never been more insulted in my life

Sooooo coooooool

Source: trust me bro

It’s been stated so many times and you would know this if you bothered to read up on the subject for five seconds; white privilege does not mean all white people have power or an easy life. It just means that white people don’t have to deal with racism making their lives harder systematically across the board in

Racism towards white people” isn’t a thing sparky

There’s multiple Andrew Sullivan stans in the world? Who knew?

Oh we got a real comedy mind here!

This is such a random thing to troll about. Who goes on Al Gore’s internet in 2024 to defend Andrew Sullivan?

You guys are so cool for not knowing anything about the most popular singer in the world

But it’s not funny

Ok but where the hell are Seven and Ace

I mean if you wanna be gullible I guess I can’t stop you. But you don’t orchestrate this kind of big PR push and sojourn around with major media outlets for weeks on end if you have no intention of undoing the damage that’s been done to your career.

You keep commenting about the media tour like the reason for it isn’t staggeringly obvious. I’m not even sure why you’re replying at this point.