sad legs

When I lived in Japan, there was another American teacher who was of Vietnamese descent named “Tan”, which means phlegm in Japanese. I think about North Korean/Japanese relations periodically because Kim Jong Un’s name means Kim Jong Poop.

The top video leans more JFK, then the bottom one is Frank Underwood combined with a British accent. I think he just sucks at accents.

But what am I supposed to do with the fact that he’s biracial? Is he a misunderstood loner or a hip-hop thug? He hates Christians and is brown, so maybe he’s an Islamic terrorist? What kind of biases are the scared and intellectually lazy supposed to apply here?!?

I hate not having sleeves, and every time I’ve looked for a semi-formal dress with the caveat that there are sleeves, I end up in the mother of the bride section.

Now playing

I prefer the video of the Anita Bryant incident where you see her cry afterwards.

I live in Minneapolis, which has a very high Somali population concentrated in certain areas. A very common Somali girl’s name is Nasteho (Nah-STAY-ho). I used to work at a refugee women’s center/childcare center where there was a seven year old girl named Nasteho who had been going to daycares and schools in the US

I was a foreign teacher in a woman-run, mostly female-staffed after-school school and even so I can’t tell you how many times I showed up to work and literally everyone but me was in a very important meeting, including the fucking part-time college students. Oh, and sometimes I showed up to my class to no students and

The only person I’ve ever called a butt is my cat and that’s just when he’s being a total butt. Incidentally, he also “ain’t no governor.”

How dare you! She has a Radiology Technician certificate from a community college! She can x-ray the hell out of public policy!

It’s also a method of social control of others within the village. If you step out of line, this is what happens to your family.

People die as a result of drivers running stop signs. What happened to this woman and the scores of others who were driving while black is appalling, but stop signs are there for a reason, and now you’ve gone and made me a traffic narc.

Concerts. I like music, would like to see my favorite bands live, but can no longer deal with everything that goes along with it. Like having to stand for four hours and going through three opening acts that I either haven’t heard of or only vaguely know. The people “just trying to get through” who make me move to

Yes, but you got paid. You can talk about your terrible work experience as much as you want, but the key is it’s a work experience, where you exchanged services for compensation. Maybe they violated labor laws, for which you could have a case if you filed a complete, and because you were formally a worker, a huge

You probably should do a little more homework. His role in the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings was shameful, but he’s actually known as having one of the strongest records in the Senate for women’s rights, including drafting the Violence Against Women Act in 1994. I’m a Sanders fan myself, but Biden deserves a

I said this above, as someone with an addictive personality:

If you have a history of addiction, any controlled substance is a risk. Some people do coke occasionally and live their lives. Some people become addicted to the point it ruins their lives. It’s like that with everything, no matter what the substance is. It’s because they have a tendency toward addictive behavior that

I think the increase in reporting has a direct correlation with the rise of smartphones. Black people have been talking about it for years, but now that white people can see it with their own eyes, they’re starting to pay attention, and so is the media. Now more (white) people are thinking there might be something


Having $200k in student loan debt isn’t outrageous for someone who went to law school, and if you go into public interest law you likely won’t have the earning capacity to pay it off, as those jobs tend to pay around 40k a year. Those people tend to enroll in the public service loan forgiveness program and do