My imminent death.
My imminent death.
What did you do in Japan? That is an incredibly fancy toilet, and I’ve only seen similar ones in hotels. I was definitely in homes where the Western toilets had a few options, but nothing like that. I’m just glad that my apartment had a Western style toilet. No special features, but the music that the train station…
Wow. I lived in Japan for two years and apparently used those toilets backwards the whole time.
Do you know what Planned Parenthood is? They provide health services to low-income women including CONTRACEPTIVES, mammograms, and pap smears. They also do educational outreach on women’s health. Abortion accounts for something like three percent of what they do. Why on earth would they be doing all this contraceptive…
It originally appeared on a different blog, and the title is straightforward. I don’t know why anyone would have a problem with the title unless they already reject the concept of white privilege and aren’t interested in hearing anything otherwise.
You might find this useful re: whites in poverty:…
So she reacts to an employee presenting her with doughnuts by saying “What the fuck is that?” (because seeing doughnuts at a doughnut shop is surprising?) and “I hate America” because of the obesity epidemic? What the fuck is she doing in a doughnut shop!?! Is she literally just there just to lick doughnuts?
True Sanrio back-story: She doesn’t have a mouth because she speaks from her heart.
Like George Zimmerman and his poor nose.
I can’t stress getting connected to a good gyno enough. I saw three before I had one that had the slightest idea what I was going through. I was literally told “Sex just hurts for some people,” and “I see you have depression. That must be why.” Basically, they told me I was crazy and it was in my head. I got connected…
I remember many years ago when Gavin McInnes was on Pot Psychology with Tracie Eagan Morrissey and Rich Juzwiak. I loved Rich and had not yet solidified my bad feelings about Tracie, and Gavin was their friend, so I assumed he was a cool dude. Almost everything I’ve heard about him since then has horrifed me. I still…
Liking not because I actually knew what this meant without looking it up, but because I love esotericism.
When playing the “which historical figure would you bone” game, I’ve always said Rasputin, as long as I was immune to STDs. I just want to see what the fuss is about, what with all the stories of his magical dick and the hundreds of women he wooed despite apparently never bathing. I’m kind of gross.
You know, this asshole never stops talking about her black sons and hate crimes committed against her. Because that’s the whole, authentic black experience—having black kids and being hate-crimed. And hate crimes are serious and real, but she’s made EIGHT unsubstantiated claims, with strong evidence that she’d sent…
Hey, with three marriages and three divorces, the show is keeping up with the divorce rate of the general American public! And they didn’t even have to pay for their wedding.
We did a mock election in my middle school, and Perot actually had a really good showing. The hot button issue was partial birth abortion, which the girl who was role-playing as Perot brought up graphically, making half the auditorium gasp. Baby skull-crushing Clinton still ended up winning, though.
Chipotle is also a felon-friendly employer! My work provides employment services to ex-offenders, and man, is it tough to find pretty much anything that doesn’t immediately disqualify those with felonies, much less something that offers any kind of benefits.
My friends did that for each other once, but got busted when one of the “moms” misspelled her own child’s name over the phone.
I’m an Excedrin and generic ibuprofen girl. I had migraines from age 2 to 14 and went to multiple specialists, and the most effective thing turned out to be eating lunch (I had food anxiety as a kid and could hardly eat when I was at school) and taking Excedrin at the onset of a migraine. The neurologist suggested…
I actually do have vaginismus and have had a transvaginal ultrasound and that sentence shocked me. While the vaginismus wasn’t the worst at the time of the ultrasound, it just took some extra time and lube. I can’t even imagine someone being like, here, let me stimulate you a bit. If you’re already nervous and…