What are her issues and demons, besides having been in treatment for an eating disorder?
What are her issues and demons, besides having been in treatment for an eating disorder?
Thank you! My doctor gave it to me to take before an IUD insertion, and I hobbled into the office for my appointment doubled over and nearly vomiting from the pain. Why would you put activists out of commission like this!?
I understand what you’re saying. It’s agonizing with animals because they can’t tell you what they want. I had to put two elderly cats down within a year related to prolonged health issues, and both were a judgment call about their quality of life. I think about my dad at the end of his life and how badly he wanted to…
I expected to roll my eyes and was shortly crying.
We already burnt that police station down.
I live in South Minneapolis too (about a block away from the George Floyd memorial), and the further south I go, I’ve been shocked by the amount of Antone signs I’ve seen pop up just within the past two weeks. If you go to the more affluent areas you’ll see more of them. Then there are the near-daily mailers he sends…
Biden has said he’s choosing a woman, so no Booker or Castro.
Defending the rights of top Democratic leadership not to be investigated when foreign oligarchs give hundreds of thousands of dollars to their children, and the Dad then pressures for a change of prosecutor who makes an investigation into said oligarchs go away, is not the ground she should have chosen to fight on.
You apparently don’t like Rich, but it’s straight-up wrong to say that he doesn’t like horror movies. He’s been writing/blogging about the horror genre for over ten years.
Since I saw your reply about how Native American genocide is right and good because it carried the gospel from coast to coast, I see that there’s no need for me to try to explain the morality of not labeling humans as “illegal” or the intentional immorality of our current immigration system. You’re operating on a poiso…
It is neither valid nor important to maintain.
I understand and appreciate the sentiment behind your comment, but wanted to follow up on a couple of common misconceptions.
I just wanted to say I showed this to my husband, and at first he laughed hysterically, then looked at it more closely and said “Oh, 4/4 for 5? That’s a garbage card.” Then he kept saying things, allowing that it might be a good card if it had “trample.” I did not know what he was talking about, but he kept going. I…
Even the prophets aren’t so different. Islam shares 24 Judeo-Christian prophets, including Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Elijah, and Jesus-motha-fucking-Christ (peace be upon them).
I’m not sure many of those people exist, but I imagine Never-Trump conservatives like George Will would likely abstain rather than vote for a “socialist” like Warren (who is actually an avowed capitalist). I definitely know people who would abstain or vote third party if Harris got the nomination. They are far-left…
“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General.”
I used to work at a job training/workforce nonprofit that had a major focus on those re-entering from prison, and a free ride to a job interview is...something, a nice bonus I guess. Not much, in the scope of the obstacles they’d be facing both obtaining a job and getting to that job every day. It would be helpful…
The fifteen year old ISIS fighter wasn’t on a battle field, he was a prisoner of war. He was stabbed to death while he was imprisoned, and Gallagher joked about it in text messages. You fucking sociopath.
Comment redacted due to weird multi post that I didn’t even mean for you in the first place.