sad legs

I clearly said she was making money on blogging, so you quoting the article there is irrelevant. But now you’ve changed your tune, saying your problem with her isn’t with “making money on social media” (which is what I was correcting you on, since she wasn’t), it’s with “life blogging.” You’re here, so you don’t have

Of course she wanted to make money. I was taking the issue with the term social media. 

FYI, she was not using social media to make money. That’s a recent thing, within the past five years. This is the early 2000s. She had a blog to make money. She was a blogger, sort of like the blogger you’re reading.

They are still dumping them at bus stations. And in AZ, because Greyhound got mad at them, ICE started dumping them at makeshift church shelters instead. The caravan members who are being released from detention are asylees with minor children, and they are expected to make it to their sponsors who live all over the

They’re not being relocated permanently to start a life in a magical, better place—they’re required to get to their sponsors who could be located anywhere in the country, and they have check-ins near their sponsors that they have to start attending within 2-3 weeks. Here’s what I just posted about why this is so cruel

Message to the people who are saying things like, “At least they’re better off in Sanctuary cities.” As someone who just went to the AZ-Mexico border and met migrant families leaving detention to continue processing their asylum claims, let me tell you why this is horrible and cruel:

Oh hey, are you a resident of MN district 5? Because I am and Ilhan’s extremely popular here. She won the nomination handily against some very strong primary candidates, and I can’t imagine anyone in our current political landscape who both 1) would challenge her and 2) has the ability to win if they do. We are a

These women are making QUITE the stretch from Chelsea Clinton saying please don’t be anti-semitic to a white nationalist murdering Muslims. The shooter did not massacre Muslims because he loved Israel. We can argue whether Omar’s comments were actually anti-semitic or she was under extra scrutiny for being a Muslim

Thanks! Did your midwife recommend specifically against “What to expect when you’re expecting”, or just any pregnancy books?

I was just looking up herbal teas online yesterday! I used to drink coffee throughout my entire work day, and immediately went down to one cup in the morning and am dying. I was going to taper down while I was trying to conceive, but I was expecting at least six months before a positive test, probably more. There are

That one’s waiting for me to pick up at the library, so good to hear it recommended! 

I looked it up on Amazon and saw this description: “What to Expect When You’re Expecting meets Freakonomics—an award-winning economist disproves standard recommendations about pregnancy to empower women while they’re expecting.”

Thanks! I’ll check it out!

I know the library has resources, and got a couple books that happened to be in, but the problem is there’s too much information of varying quality, so I was looking for a recommendation.

Does anyone have suggestions on pregnancy/postpartum resources that are reliable, non-alarmist, not fad-based, shaming, or overly capitalistic? Not necessarily completely dry, but just not those other things.

Coyote is the colloquial Spanish term for the people you pay to smuggle you across the border. 

Fox News loved Ammon Bundy as a domestic terrorist, and now they’re about to screech about his anti-American-ness for saying immigrants are people. 

We’re not pitying rich, ivy league kids with a lot of connections. We’re saying these positions should be accessible to those who are not already super privileged, rich, and well-connected. Washington should work on being demographically representative of America, not continue to reinforce power structures that afford

/s after a comment means sarcasm.