sad legs

We were aware that, whether we agreed we had the right to protest there or not, the Mall of America would have grounds to arrest us. Many of us were prepared to be arrested and considered it an act of civil disobedience. I mean, they did warn us and we stayed. If they didn't want us there so badly, they could have

Okay, obviously there is nothing more precious than this marmoset, but what the hell is going on with the narrator? He speaks soooooooooooo slowly it's like he's in a benzo haze. Super distracting.

Was she from a different country? There are parts of the world where kids grow up learning to throw your garbage out the window. I know in Thailand there's a law against littering but people still throw their trash out of the windows of trains and such because that's just what they all learned. But if you're a

Now playing

May she enjoy the artistic prestige of fellow actor and singer, Tyra Banks.

I'm from the midwest and when I was a kid if I was having a tantrum my parents always removed me from the situation out of courtesy for others in a public space. Two of the main tenets of being midwestern:

Fucking seriously! If I haven't seen an episode of something I avoid reading anything about it until I have, regardless of whether there's a "spoiler alert." But now I'm just glancing at Jezebel and get a massive fucking spoiler. Thanks, everybody, I guess I'll just stop consuming media until I'm all caught up.

So, both Psycho and the character of Buffalo Bill were inspired by Ed Gein, a Wisconsin farmer and body snatcher. And actually, the shit he did was worse than what was in those movies.

Well, riding in planes is pretty outrageous behavior when you think about it. You're in a metal tube going a gazillion miles an hour through the freaking sky, like God or something!

OMG, why have I never thought of this costume idea before?!

Not about pennies, but when I was a kid one of my neighbors was a dentist and every year gave out toothbrushes and a brochure about the dangers of Halloween candy. I was like, "Sweet, toothbrush! Can I have the green one?"

They always say relative to protect the identity of the minor victim. It could actually have been her daughter.

Except 2 is a prime number.

If Kesha's allegations are true (which is likely), I sincerely hope Dr. Luke is brought to justice.

However, part of me hopes Dr. Luke is cleared because I really like this medley:

All cats with everything: OMG, this is so cool and interesting! Just a second, let me lick my butt. OMG, this is so cool and interesting!

Et tu, Brote?

Oh... so I guess my husband's band's medley, "Dr. Luke's Sing-Song Extravaganza" is never gonna take off, huh?

I'm always reading and it does not work for me. They view it as a conversation starter: "What are you reading?" (I unsmilingly show them the book jacket then go back to reading.) "Is that a good book?" I always just say "It's okay," without looking back up, because anything about it being good or bad gives them

Still, I can't believe you didn't apologize to her. You misinterpreted the information presented and ended up being extremely insensitive and cruel in the process, even if it was unintentional. How about, I'm sorry to bring that up for you, I must have misread some things, my bad? Instead you go on to defend

You cannot mix crushed peanuts with Fleischmann's margarine to make peanut butter. Get it, peanut... butter? I swear I saw Mr. Rogers do it.

I can't believe you didn't even apologize, just went on justifying your speculation and poor reading comprehension. Did you miss the part where she said she was literally boarded up into the basement? That is kidnapping. When she said, "I left some details out" I guarantee the majority of women reading this