
I disagree with this on premise, but I also think it’s inaccurate in terms of how the study was designed. The respondents weren’t asked to choose one beer or the other; they were asked to assign each a monetary value and rate their expectations of its quality. So theoretically, respondents could have valued both the

Oh, fuck that, “Just don’t take any nude photos” shit in every way possible.

Licensed therapist here! I’m not sure what ethical guideline you think directs a therapist to be unattached, but most therapists do share parts of their personal lives with their patients. It’s usually considered part of “building rapport.” I think you might be thinking specifically of analysis, which is by design

you can start wearing them to work. they are 100% beyond comfortable. just make them work appropriate. boots, a nicer top, the usual.

Please actually read the article... Just this one time. 

The Christian right loves to use public prayer as the loudest form of passive-aggression. Newsflash: everyone hears you loud and clear (except God, who isn’t there and/or doesn’t care).

Here is the thing, kids do shitty things.

Look, just because you personally have a shitty bank account doesn’t mean women aren’t actually turned off you your personality!

The problem we encounter today is the mistakes the kids make stay with them, by virtue of digital media, so it makes a difficult situation even more difficult, because it doesn’t get let go. It is amplified.

It’s not the list that got the attention, though, it’s the brave actions of the girls and the thoughtful response from the boys that is different and newsworthy. It’s a good story with an unexpected result, not to mention that the boy’s name was kept anonymous, so this will not follow him. Your critique really isn’t

There’s this study, where dudes are asked if they would or have raped anyone. Pretty much nobody has. Then they ask for specific actions (“have you had sex with an impaired woman, ie drunk or drugged””have you had sex with a woman who isn’t really into it” etc). A large percentage of them change their answer to yes.

While it would be great to have more smart atheists, I strongly disagree that being either being smart or being religious keeps a person from doing evil.

So... your argument is that because you’ve had terrible bosses, other people should too?

Yes, he was just overzealously planning for possible maternity leave, and not getting off on women peeing. Whatever you need to tell yourself (seriously, you shoulda got all Dabney Coleman on his ass).

It’s amazing that his positions galvanized a new generation of activism and have pushed the Democratic field to the left. He is demanding many things that we sorely need. I also agree that responsible adults must compartmentalize to some degree when it comes to political candidates - you won’t like EVERYTHING about

“Splinter: The Truth Hurts: We’re a super serious progressive political blog and our poorly thought-out opinions should be taken seriously.

This whole website’s editorial tone can be summed up by that teenager in the Simpsons at “Hullabalooza” who doesn’t know whether he’s being sarcastic. You’ve seemingly taken (at least) four separate angles here - that McCabe has big news, that he doesn’t actually have that big of news, that he is actually performing

I mean. It’s not a contest. Two things can be terrible at the same time. Michael Jackson was a victim and an abuser. He’s not the “real” victim in all this. He’s one victim who abused a separate population of victims.

But you’re getting at something that I’m not seeing in the broader discussion of Me Too, perhaps

Yeah, i’m pretty sure the “real tragedy” is Michael Jackson raping children.