
I really, really hope you’re right. I’m normally unwilling to give the American educational system the benefit of the doubt, but I refuse to live in a world in which multiple American interviewees are unaware that MLK, Jr., was assassinated. My brain simply cannot fathom this, so I’m choosing to believe your version

Yeah, I’ve seen those posts. And, like, whatever, she’s got to support herself somehow. I was just annoyed by the other commentator’s suggestion that looking “normal” is somehow incompatible with sex work, like all escorts have giant neon signs flashing over their heads.

Also, Lindsay looks normal and now I feel bad for saying she looked like a possible Dubai prostitute a couple of months ago.

Yeah, I absolutely consider myself a sex-positive feminist, but, like, “product names like pussy juice”?

2. The person who was going to be identified was “a creator” and “one of the people behind it” (which is how the person is carefully described in the statement) but not “the [original] creator;” Roiphe and her fact-checker know the true identity of one person who at some point became a principal in the creation of the

Yeah, I mean, I can’t imagine how this wouldn’t fall under the category of “cruel and unusual.” This is everything wrong with the American correctional system in a nutshell. Our prisons are designed to gratuitously inflict pain—not to rehabilitate them nor to teach them the skills with which they might reemerge as

Seriously. Alcohol does not simply conjure racist or anti-semitic statements out of thin air. I’ve gotten drunk and made some questionable purchases on Amazon, or told a friend her recent haircut made her look like Margaret Thatcher; I’ve never drunkenly used the n-word nor ranted about Jewish conspiracies. Gary

It can certainly mean a jack of all trades, but it can also be used to mean a servile employee or sycophant. So, you’re not technically wrong to use it in your bio, but you’re running a slight risk of someone mistaking your meaning.

Fun (albeit minimally relevant) fact: Kushner’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, used to be my neighbor—I actually babysat his daughter. He’s a pretty staunch Democrat, so I like to imagine he’s making these sorts of announcements to the press to help the Democratic cause. He also had a hand in publicizing Donald Jr.’s meeting

As someone with an occasionally unmanageable anxiety disorder, I’m actually grateful for the automatization of grocery shopping. I have no desire to harm small businesses, but going to a corner store is quite stressful for someone like me. That said, I’m hesitant to give the tech bros credit for making my life

I can’t be the only one who read the Clooney quote and thought, damn, Bannon is a failed artist just like Hitler.

I mean, Kaia Gerber is 16 years old while Rachel Bilson is 36. Of course Bilson isn’t as “fresh faced,” because she didn’t go through puberty, like, yesterday.

Yeah, that’s likely true, but I found it odd that she asked him to cut off contact with this other woman so early in their relationship. I don’t think a trusting girlfriend would dictate to whom her partner could speak. That doesn’t mean she was wrong to distrust him, or that her behavior (i.e., reading his private

I’ll preface this by saying I genuinely believe Hillary’s book tour will damage the Democratic cause. By re-litigating an election with an unprecedented degree of in-party backbiting, she’ll sow unnecessary dissension. But I think it’s absolutely, patently absurd to say that this country wasn’t ready for Hillary or

I was traumatized by my parents’ failure to get a divorce when they were obviously deeply unhappy, and yet I completely agree with you. Whether this couple remains together or ultimately gets divorced, they’re going to be coparenting a child, which means they absolutely need to hash out their issues in therapy. One

I find it utterly incomprehensible that the GOP would choose to shoot itself in the foot like this. Like, this plan is primarily going to harm *their own constituents.* I get why this appeals to Randian die-hards like Ryan, but why doesn’t the GOP recognize that this is political suicide?

To be fair, I can think of at least one person who should be penalized for bathroom-related crimes...

We are a country of laws. And dumbasses.