
I’m assuming you also believe that women’s brains are smaller, they are naturally better at care fields, they have no aptitude in math and science, and should stay at home, right? Right?!

It’s almost like those aren’t the same thing.

Well said.

This is also true. Some of the shit about Bernie Bros is overblown, but watching the way Warren got shit on in the stretch run of this campaign by Bernie supporters, culminating with Bernie supporters absolutely astonished that she was hesitant to endorse him was really something.  Like, you really have to take a step

This honestly isn’t true, because the demographics Sanders has staked his campaign on are unreliable voters. They couldn’t even carry him to the Democratic nomination, much less carry him to victory in a general election. Frankly, as much as it pains Bernie’s fans to hear, Biden has more of a chance of appealing to

Treat it like American Idol rather than Better Call Saul and you’re going to have a much better time in life.

The finale of The Office, an extremely popular TV show that had “celebrities” on it, had under 4 million viewers. Nikkie’s coming out video currently has over 16 million views. Does this help you understand? Or do you just hate the internet as a platform for people getting famous?

Do cable TV celebrities also confuse you as a concept?

Ive been single for so long I really dont feel like I can happily live with someone without a buffer zone. I need my own space and am comfortable with being living by myself. I feel separate bedrooms are an absolute minimum if I'm ever living with someone. Sharing damn near every single square foot of a house would


Mermaid silhouettes aren’t classic, but tacky. This dress is heinous. 

That's the point, you maniac. 

White LGBTQ men and women, including white people who are gender non-conforming in some way can certainly be racist.

So am a very picky eater and I knew it wouldn’t be good for my health, so from the age of 12 I started taking multi-vitamins on my own.

For those who don’t understand, being picky is not a choice and I wish I wasn’t.  Food in general causes me much anxiety.

“You manipulated biblical scripture to align with your colonialist, supremacist ideologies instead of showing mercy.”

It’s not surgery. It’s very carefully and expensively crafted makeup to look like Kelly. That’s not how her face actually looks IRL. It's prosthetics and brilliant contour.

You are the kind of teacher everyone should be. Fuck this weird Luddite “back in my day we didn’t tech so you shouldn’t either, kids need to walk uphill both ways in the snow” horseshit.

While I appreciate anyone’s attempt at self-mythologizing, I think it’s a little sad that you have to put down an entire generation to build yourself up. It’s a grandpa cliché. Education has changed.

Are you exempt/getting overtime? If not, sorry kiddos, no dice!

You could always just ask the bartender to come back in a couple minutes if what you’re addressing on your phone is important. I am sure they would understand.