
Since 1992 there have been 7 presidential elections and the Republicans have only won the popular vote once, in 2004. And even then it wasn’t by a wide margin. These people are good making it seem like the Republicans represent real America when that is demonstrably not true. 

And the award for longest non sequitur rant goes to this dude!

I'm all for spelling, punctuation, and effective sentence structure.

I would be fine with most of the negative response if the show weren’t good - in fact, quite a lot better than the source material. I actually deeply cared about characters and plot lines (especially this bizarre bond that draws each member of the Boys together). On a number of occasions, I was also really pleasantly s

The downside is sexual harassment in a restaurant setting by an older male authority figure male.

It seems like their partner is just fine. They told their story and were honest about what happened, they actually told me something I didn’t know and I feel much more educated after reading her comment.

Then I guess we haven’t met...

I’m just gonna go ahead and say that Bernie should do what he should’ve done before he announced his 2020 candidacy (his 2016 run was fine—and necessary): Step aside for Warren, and be the elder statesman he’s earned the right to be.

Not everyone needs to be President. Shit, President isn’t even the strongest office in

yeah, i mean, he’s only been exposed to english since WWII. and discusses topics such as cosmology and neuroscience in english. but, clearly, he didn’t actually mean attractive.

No, seriously, go back and read the last 11 words of OP’s post a little more carefully.

You and people like you should be set on fire and thrown off buildings and I have no shame in admitting it

And what’s up with Jonathan Swift wanting to eat kids, right?

Not quite, Frank from Delaware. If you objected to Rapinoe’s celebration, you are FULLY, not partially, responsible for the kidnapping and caging of children.

People keep directly asking her. What is she supposed to say?

Is it really that hard to understand that people tend to want different things out of a relationship? They’re under the same roof the majority of the week, it doesn’t seem like that big a deal to sleep separately for three nights.

I understand what you’re saying, Maria. But what if a woman didn’t have a mother as a role model. Would her husband be expected to carry the weight to teach her like women are expected to carry the weight for men? 

I know this isn’t the point of this article or the roundtable, but I am in LOVE, in LOVE, in LOVE with Fleabag. I finished season 2 and it breaks my heart that it’s done, it’s over, there are no more biting, smart, awkward, hilarious episodes for us. Every minute of it is genius. 

Fallon is just such a star fucking kiss ass who acts like he just can’t be thankful enough that (insert guest here) has graced his show with his/her presence.

I would watch this YouTube tutorial.