
Are you certain you’ve read the act? It refers to individuals who—according to a “court, board, commission, or other lawful authority”—is “a danger to himself or others or lacks the mental capacity to contract or manage his or her own affairs as a result of marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness,

Uh, what? The man suspected of growing marijuana fled and was tased by the officer giving chase. He was not being violent. Did you even look up the case?

He thinks excessive force is acceptable if it hypothetically prevents a non-violent suspect from committing violent crimes in the future? Beyond the fact that policing the hypothetical future is some Orwellian thoughtcrime bullshit, advocating the use of violence to deter violence is a remarkably shortsighted

Have a look at the linked article in Science. Apparently there were several components to the study that weren’t mentioned in this article, including having the children identify “smart” individuals as they looked at pictures of unfamiliar men and women. If looked at individually, each component of the study might

If the study only focused on narratives, sure. But you’re ignoring the second part of the study in which the researcher had the children choose between two games—one for “really, really smart” children and another for those who “try really, really hard.” This part of the study has absolutely nothing to do with the

You apparently know little about the running of government. I only listed accomplishments that could be traced to the particular policies that Obama’s administration put in place. Prohibiting federal contractors from discriminating against the LGBT community? Executive order. Lifting the ban on stem cell research?

Feel free—no attribution needed.

Would I prefer that the law didn’t grandfather in pre-2007 tobacco products, allowing Big Tobacco to temporarily maintain its monopoly over US markets? Of fucking course. But the regulation of e-cigarettes is not in itself unreasonable, given that 2.5 million teenagers are now vaping. The assumed compliance cost is

1) We get it. You vape.

It’s possible the GOP Congress will succeed in their gleeful dismantling of America’s democratic institutions, but the ineptitude of the Trump transition team might be our saving grace: the incoming administration has made only a tiny fraction of the 1,200 federal appointments needing Senate confirmation, so a

On the eve of the inauguration, I think it’s a good time to remember that under President Obama, twenty million Americans gained health insurance, cutting the percentage of uninsured Americans to single digits; same-sex marriage was legalized; DADT was repealed; combat positions were opened to women and transgender

“we just reflect internalized misogyny”

That’s fair, but counterpoint:

I’ve spent 2016 thinking I could never empathize with an orange-tinted simpleton with obviously synthetic hair and a first-grader’s communication style. But hey, I stand corrected.

Yep. It’s happened. Embrace it.

Beyond shit-talking Paul Ryan, he only mentions Congress when advocating for Congressional term limits—so no, he doesn’t believe he needs to work with them. Remember how he stated in his Convention speech that “nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it”? His astronomical narcissism

Repugnant misogyny notwithstanding, there’s a delicious irony to Trump daring to accuse anyone of being a famewhore.

And people have the nerve to wonder why women don’t report...

Diamond Joe could’ve gone pro.