
I’d believe that. As we all know, Biden’s been going through some tough times and has needed to devise multiple schemes to make some cash after the legalization of marijuana in D.C. “completely dicked over” his operation:

Only slightly related, but I recently read a Pew survey in which only 19 percent of Trump supporters agreed with the statement “Good diplomacy is the best way to ensure peace.” For comparison’s sake, 78 percent of Clinton voters agreed. Like, seriously, what? How is it humanly possible not to see value in diplomacy?

Hell if I know.

I honestly wish Hillary was as powerful as these unhinged Republicans seem to believe.  

I wrote something related in a different post, but isn’t this a fairly laughable attempt at PUA negging? Like, his entitled misogyny is gross and egregious and we shouldn’t make light of toxic masculinity, but given that he claims to idolize James Bond and Hugh Hefner, there’s something hilariously pathetic about how

I’ve decided that Donald Trump is simply a chronically unsuccessful PUA: look at his tautological and masturbatory rhetoric, his misogyny, his think-with-your dick bravado regarding warfare and winning and zero-sum power relations, his dozens of phallic skyscrapers, his connection to other angry, entitled men, etc. I

Not sure why these didn’t catch on:

2016 will not be remembered kindly by our history books.

people are fucking tired of talking about this election.

It’s actually much worse than that: 41 percent of *all* voters think the election could be stolen, according to a recent Politico poll. It’s 73 percent of Republicans and 17 percent of Democrats.

Honestly, I cannot understand the batshit mental acrobatics and internalized misogyny that would enable any woman to defend Trump’s comments.

Yeah, I’m more than a little pissed that his Central Park 5 comments aren’t getting much coverage because they’re such a clear articulation of his racism, utter lack of respect for the Constitution, and inability to understand the workings of our judicial system. But Trump supporters (or Republican-leaning

This election season has been so heartbreaking for so many reasons. While I’m perfectly confident that Clinton will crush Trump, it’s been genuinely heartbreaking to discover that ~43 percent of the voting public finds someone like Trump to be palatable and that they’re willing to excuse and even celebrate his blatant

Plus, a genuine apology wouldn’t insist that this news story is a “distraction from the important issues.” No, you irredeemably predatory fuckwit, your inability to see women as human beings (as opposed to body parts for you to grope) *is* an important issue!

My conception of Scientology was informed by extensively vetted research documenting civil rights abuses, including organized harassment of non-members and “suppressive persons,” extortion, sexual assault, forced abortions, and breaches of privacy—not to mention how it’s been declared a cult by several foreign

I don’t pretend to know the ins and outs of scientology, and perhaps he doesn’t buy into Xenu and the more absurdist sci-fi elements, but participating in something like Scientology is still an act of ludicrous faith. He says “it isn’t religion like a belief,” but by choosing to ignore “misinformed” news stories, he’s

it hasn’t been bad at all.

I don’t have too many thoughts about Kate Moss, but I’m always down with shading Kendall Jenner, so I can support this.

I mean, if you’re talking about Kim Kardashian, she’s sure as shit wearing makeup. But more importantly, if celebrities insist that they’re not wearing makeup when they almost certainly are, it creates an impossible beauty standard whereby average women are expected to look flawless without any sort of corrective aid.