
Oh, Cosby’s rights shouldn’t be violated? What about the rights of his 57 victims? This situation has involved a clusterfuck of repugnant violations, but Cosby’s right to a fair trial isn’t among them.  

What’s remarkable is how he trotted out mindless GOP talking points as if Trump hasn’t explicitly contradicted and even mocked those talking points. It’s like Pence is living in a fantasy world in which 1) Trump is sane and 2) recording devices haven’t been invented, so we’re incapable of definitively proving what

In all likelihood, he was always a raving lunatic. It’s just that no one cared/noticed/bothered to expect sanity.  

Having just spent 90 minutes watching Pence prettify the dumpster-fire policies of a manic troglodyte, it’s reassuring to see that at least some people have principles.

You’re assuming viewers will understand that this constitutes shoddy reporting, but the average American isn’t well versed in the minutiae of tax law. Sure, media attacks will cause Trump’s more ardent supporters to double down, but discovering that Trump hasn’t paid federal taxes for 18 years—regardless of

That’s why Trump is going to win this election.

Yeah, her writing has historically contained so many errors that the Times decided in 2005 that she needed her own individual copy editor to handle the Herculean task of double-checking all “facts.”

But it sounds like these cops have no fuckin idea about mental disorders.

Yes, absolutely. But I think the primary difference between policing and all other professions is that cops are empowered by the state to carry lethal weapons, meaning their mistakes are more likely to result in the loss of human life. If anything, police officers should be much, much more inclined to disavow

“By political standards,” sure. By human standards, nah.

As someone who used to work in the Old Post Office, it was such a beautiful building, but it was also falling apart, especially after the flooding in 2006 and the earthquake a few summers ago. Upkeep was becoming increasingly difficult, so I imagine the costs of refurbishment (especially in light of the building’s

In my highly subjective, unscientific analysis of my students’ work, the laziest students will often use sans serif fonts like Verdana and Helvetica because they tend to be larger than serif fonts. While Courier New is definitely a behemoth in comparison, the only times I’ve seen it used were by screenwriting

The truth of this makes me sad as both a college professor and an American voter.

You’re likely right about Trump’s chances seeing as he consistently polls below 44 percent and has very, very few viable electoral maps, but I think a certain degree of alarmism is necessary in order to spur Democrats into voting booths. Republicans are sadly much more reliable. If anxious handwringing causes greater

I think he gets nervous.

You know, there are so many ways you could voice this opinion without being an insensitive asshole.

As a rape victim, as irate as I would absolutely be if my rapist lied in the midst of apologizing to me, I would still prefer to have heard those words than utter silence. At least then I could believe he recognized (or was surrounded by people who recognized) that there was something nebulously problematic or

If he had considered apologizing to the victim, irrespective of whether he had meant it, she might still be alive. Apologies don’t exist as simply a measure of an individual’s deep regret or shame. They perform a social function by acknowledging wrongdoing and thereby promoting healing. It would absolutely be better

Well (unless I missed something), he doesn’t actually say that Townsend’s statement was incorrect. So it’s still possible his father is voting for Clinton. He’d just prefer that it remain on the DL, because it’s apparently less shameful for a Republican to vote for a hate-fueled and dangerously unstable cretin than