
This has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but my best friend was childhood friends with Abbi Jacobson. She will occasionally try to make me feel jealous by mentioning how very cool and supportive and feminist Abbi is. So now I’m irrationally anti-Abbi. Because she sounds so amazing. Ugh.

Yeah, considering that Julianne Hough dressed up in blackface for Halloween in 2013, I wouldn’t hesitate to assume that her discomfort owed to (at the very fucking least) racial insensitivity.

While I would normally appreciate this kind of sex positivity, it is immensely clear from the transcripts that neither consent nor trust were present in this situation.

Which makes this statement all the more horrifying: “I was falsely accused… I went to court… I was vindicated,” Parker tells Anderson Cooper.

Yeah, I can easily imagine that this is true. He wouldn’t be wrong to allege racial discrimination, but it would make his argument fairly unsympathetic, given that he’d still be guilty of rape in this scenario.

While these are hilarious quotations (minus the casual racism), 1) Jefferson and Adams were known to have an extremely volatile friendship, 2) those quotations are both falsely attributed. The former was written by James Callender, a partisan newspaper editor, and the latter likely originated in a collection of New

Huh? That’s not what I was saying at all. The commenter to whom I was responding said judges uniformly hate the clients of public defenders and are therefore never lenient. Fair enough. But the original comment was obviously about privileged defendants, not those who require public attorneys, so it’s still fair to

I’m not sure what would constitute a non-misogynistic defense, but misogynistic defenses are only deeply problematic in a world with an institutional aversion to seeing justice for rape victims--a world in which only 6 out of 1,000 rapists will be incarcerated. In a society where rape victims are treated as

Here’s my recommendation for potential cookies:

I largely agree with you about the necessity of consistently championing criminal justice, irrespective of whether one finds a defendant palatable or awful. And whatever the original commentator may have meant, I certainly wouldn’t claim that individuals who defend alleged rapists are scumbags, seeing as our entire

I was wholly agreeing with (if also rantingly adding to) your point. Low turnout is an enormous problem and Republicans are frustratingly more consistent in terms of midterm voting. But I’m not sure it’s fair to say it’s the cause of all other issues. Each of these issues has a way of exacerbating the others so that

I multitask in the midst of my angst: I’m simultaneously tortured and pathetic about my love life while being tortured and miserable about the political landscape. And as much as I’d love to defend millennials and their selfies, I am pretty damn frustrated with my generation after having seen Hillary’s awful

While it’s historically true that gerrymandering is bipartisan, Democrats in the present Congress are not doing it to the extreme that Republicans are. And I absolutely reject the premise that more gerrymandering is the solution.

I don’t have a Twitter, so you’re welcome to plagiarize it. My rants are yours for the taking, compliments of my immense political angst. Also, as a millennial, I apologize for our collective idiocy.


It’s also what happens when there’s rampant gerrymandering, voter suppression, primarying of moderate Republicans who don’t toe the party line, the election of congressmen without basic mathematical skills, the general demise of civility in public discourse, and the batshit notion that it’s acceptable for

1) The commenter was clearly referring to privileged white defendants with expensive legal representation, not the sort of people who would need a public defender.

While that’s likely true, the overall point is that we’re gradually making progress by correcting the law code to adequately reflect the realities and ubiquity of rape. Awful men are hypothetically quaking in their boots because the judicial system is slightly less inclined to ignore or insensitively prosecute rape

Exactly. This is one of my largest issues with how we discuss and represent rape, especially on television. Rape is not a neatly contained, easily remedied crime; it can’t be washed away or forgotten, even if you are one of the relative few who sees your rapist behind bars. There is absolutely no time limit on a rape

If black men are “targeted in campus rape cases,” you’re effectively implying that women are deliberately making false rape accusations for largely racist reasons. You can absolutely argue that black men are treated unfairly within judicial proceedings, that they are much more likely to be arrested or incarcerated by