
Okay, you’re ignoring quite a bit of nuance here (including, most glaringly, that the committee found that he violated the school’s sexual assault policy). Race absolutely plays a factor in terms of who is stopped, arrested, and ultimately incarcerated, in large part because of the racial biases of police,

That’s not what we want: We want justice. Expulsion is not justice for a sexual assault; it’s a fine.... I should hope people immediately go to the police when they’re victims of sexual assault, because time is essential, and going to the school first could damage the victims’ criminal case.

Technically, yes. But with the doctrine of dual sovereignty, the federal government and individual states are treated as distinct from one another, each with the authority to launch an investigation/prosecution. So it’s technically possible that a single set of actions can constitute a crime in multiple jurisdictions,

Yeah, I think what matters is ultimately psychological realism. Because in real life, no one is inherently good or bad, but inevitably a mix of both. Like, Don Draper is almost certainly an unabashed asshole, but he’s still compelling because he’s psychologically complex.

I’m not sure that she normally does, but in that cover photo she really, really does.

I’m assuming this is a joke (please let it be a joke), but it still ain’t a good look, seeing as you’re painting Aniston as a vindictive shrew and Cotillard as essentially a prostitute. I mean, you’re really running the gamut of gross female stereotypes here...

A tactical mistake in the course of diplomatic talks in which she condemned additional building, a precondition that led to the souring of US-Israel relations. She calls it a tactical mistake because it led to the stalling of diplomatic talks, given that both Abbas and Bibi took hardline stances. That doesn’t change

Look, I’m wholly aware that our relationship wth Israel is problematic. But you’re genuinely underrating the extent to which Trump would alter current policy on Israel. Trump’s advisor on Israeli affairs, David Friedman, has advocated against a two-state solution and has suggested that Trump would unreservedly

Uh, did you actually read the article?

Came here to make that joke. But seriously, how could anyone not love him?

Probably, but we can’t control his behavior. We can only control our own. Whatever his issues, it seems to me that disengaging is the only option if we want to remain a functional, pro-social space.

Look, I don’t have a problem with you personally, and I fully respect that you’re invested in creating a pro-social, woman-friendly community for Jezzies. I sense you’re likely right in your characterization of Flying Squid, but at this point, I think posts like these are arguably part of the problem--they’re creating


I didn’t know I felt this way until I read your post. But yes, agreed.  

To be fair, it’s an immensely difficult choice. On the one hand, Hillary Clinton deleted some emails. But on the other, Donald Trump is an utter cretin, pathological narcissist, inveterate racist, and potential threat to the republic.... It’s clearly a toss-up.

I don’t have an issue with “ums” as a lexical habit, as I’m sure I use “ums” in every other sentence. But I worked as a copy editor for a couple of years, and Chrissy is right that journalists only include them for a very specific effect--most have been taught by their professors and editors to generally omit them.

I also have RBF but I actually am a bitch IRL, so.

Unfortunately, based on the content of her follow-up tweets, I’m pretty sure she’s dug in her heels (assuming she hasn’t done a complete 180 in the last few years):  

I only linked one comment, but it was a dozen or so tweets in which she relentlessly doubled down on her position and mocked “oversensitive” feminists. Personally, I think loathing is warranted.

You are, of course, entitled to like her. But when someone explicitly condemns another women for being sexually active, then announces she is “disgusted” with anyone who disagrees, that “extremely sensitive” feminists are “wrongfully offended by something so [they] made up a term to make it bullying,” and relentlessly