
It bothered the hell out of me the first time around to. I don’t know if she’s right or wrong, but pointing to a single data point as ‘evidence’ is incredibly irresponsible. Couple that with the fact that Hispanics proportionally are way underrepresented in Hollywood (even compared to black actors) and it just seems

Yeah, I’m willing to accept that Gina was simply wrong but whenever someone puts up a chart or statistics, I keep expecting information from SAG breaking down the compensation of all working actors - not “Sofia Vergara.” That’s like saying America stopped being racist in 2008 because “Barack Obama.”

Okay, to be honest, the evidence used in this reporting continues to confuse the hell out of me. The twitter link this article provides to argue that Rodriguez is wrong about her claims about Latin actresses does not actually prove anything of the sort. It actually just theorizes that her claim is based on a

I’m sorry, but your husband sounds like an ass in this case. and you should have some direct conversations with him about how he treats you.

Except for the massively important “self-awareness”.

I aim to love, respect and accept everyone but I just can’t with them. I am so small minded about Republicans. I just straight up loathe them. Which technically makes me as bad as they are.

Let’s follow this chain of (non)thought - ‘I hold X person in such high regard, that even if I was invited to a horrible event (a public hanging) by this person, not only would I go, I would be in the front row’. So for her, the deference she owes this person (unnamed, but I bet it’s a stale pale male) is greater than

The last thing the Dems should be doing in 2020 is going to the parts bin to see what existing models they can rebadge. 

not to harsh on someone who got fucked by The Man but it sounds like your girlfriend should have quit her job and done something else if she was that unhappy with the situation.

Let’s rewind the clock to about 1980 or so. Reagan picks up the baton of an anti-government platform from Barry Goldwater, after Goldwater’s acolytes effectively assumed control of the GOP. What followed was a systematic expungement of anyone and everyone that didn’t toe the party line, ultimately leading to the

I have no idea if he’s a good Catholic male, but he’s a shitty pharmacist and should be fired.

If you literally CAN’T do your job then you’re in the wrong profession, my dude.

Your article made the point that it is about the DNA test. My comment makes the point that it is not about the DNA test.

Mansplaining alert. As other people have tried to explain to you, women are in a no-win situation in scenarios like these. If she responds in kind, she gets portrated as a ~hysterical out of control harridan, and she knows it.

Are you for real? Where have you been lately? If the actual video of this actually happening isn’t enough to change someone’s mind (and it isn’t, if we’re talking about any Republican), calling out her shitty opponent isn’t going to have any effect but a negative one. She said what she had to say. Respect that and let

I’m not that bothered by her response. It’s worthwhile to be realistic and flexible about what being strong and fighting back means—and how safe/prudent individuals feel it is in certain circumstances. There’s no one way to do that. And it doesn’t make people weak to brush off other people’s nonsense and get back to

Are you a woman? I left an abusive relationship and got shit for not being loyal. I also got shit for not leaving sooner. There is no right way to exist.

‘Can I use the other gender bathroom?’ =/= ‘Can I follow people into bathrooms?’

Mulaney’s TV side hasn’t worked out

Don’t forget that sweet rape attention, which we all crave