
You know, I expected this article to have a strong mra-flavored troll patrol going on. I *didn’t* expect them to pile on just one commenter like they’ve done to you.

I thought it was funny <3

Me: “I wonder if this Al Rava guy looks like someone who’d unhinge his jaw and swallow a newborn whole if he knew he could get away with it.”
Googles it.
Me: “Oh. Welp.”

I feel like people on this site used to be better at getting jokes.

It’s not that men are banned, it’s just hard finding men who are good enough for the showcase. At the end of the day, men just aren’t that funny.

Wouldn’t it be simpler for everyone if Mr. St. George and Mr. Rava just sat together in a room praising each other’s genitalia?

You guys, Alfred (“Al”) Rava is my neighbor and is a fucking terrorist on Nextdoor. His favorite online pastimes are threatening to sue others who say a bad word against him, ACTUALLY’ing people, and responding to ads to clarify the terms of their policies. He is a nightmare human being.

I should be allowed at counseling sessions for trauma survivors. I don’t need counseling, but it’s not fair to keep me out.

Women making music does affect men because it fosters competition. That’s what this is really about. Jealousy and insecurity.

That’s illegal if you’re in the US. Look up the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA). There are some even stronger statutes at the state level, so check your state as well.

And what proof do you have that she supports Harvey Weinstein? (By the way, substituting ‘rapist’ with ‘sexual deviant’ is not a good look. This is the same term religious Conservatives have used to describe gays, bisexuals, and, on occasion, women they consider ‘promiscuous’ or ‘ hypersexual’ in some way. It lumps

Yeah, flipping through Terry Richardson photos and Vice articles while wearing an AA bodysuit was the hipster equivalent of the Cool Girl. It’s always so frustrating that women are pressured to conform and participate in all this sexist bullshit to gain a modicum of value to the men around them.

I think they meant their penises. Because that’s the only thing that makes sense here.

Naw...if your first instinct is to go after the victims, and only apologize after you’ve been forced to see the error of your ways...
That’s not a mistake, that’s the goddamn issue of why women have been oppressed into silence.

Oh fuck you, Mika. It’s different when your “friend” does it, right? Those bitches lie! she’s garbage just like Scarborough. They may hate Trump now that he’s gone after them but they helped foist that asshole on all of us. She’s a moron.

... it’s not.

Who would have thought that an organization comprised mostly of men in leadership that exists solely to sexualize and diminish women does those exact same things?! I for one am completely SHOCKED, I tell you what.

...that you know of.