
From the report:

I think you´re right, but it also has to do with unequal balance of emotional and household labor. There are many things that fall on women to do and we do it because it has to be done or else everything will go to shit and if we don´t do it, no one will and we know it. And this includes when we don´t feel well or are

Donald Faison, after his contributions to humanity in the form of DuJour, will do whatever he wants, as far as I’m concerned.


Dear whiny man-flu doctor,  

This has been my working theory
Women put up with pain on the regular. Not just periods but all kinds of other stuff. Like I have a friend that got an IUD and she says it feels like an animal clawing inside her womb trying to get out(!!!??!!). But I have to ask her this - she won’t even mention it. Despite being very

If anything good comes of this, it’s that people wake the fuck up and figure out why democracy is important and how they can effectively exercise it. Pay attention, get involved, speak up, learn. Otherwise this will just happen again because we were all caught sleeping on it.

“Used” has a very specific sexual meaning as well.

I’d go so far as to say they’re delicious because they’re so intelligent!

Were I a woman, i think that’s what would bother me the most. The whole “you must constantly prove your knowledge beyond a resonable doubt, likely over and over again” thing would kill me.

I think part of it is too many guys seeing “car knowledge” as a dick measuring contest, which is fundamentally a fucked up way to

I find stories like this heartbreaking.

Who is asking you to change? Are you being sexist assholes when you’re only with men? If no, then nothing needs to change. If yes, you’re an asshole who should take stock of your life. Women are human beings. Whites used to make similar arguments in favour of segregation. It’s just a bunch of like minded white

I casually mentioned that I had gotten great grades in chemistry, enjoyed it, and somewhat regret not continuing my studies in it, at a dinner party. This older dude IMMEDIATELY started quizzing me. Like did I know this, did I know that? It’s been 10 years since I’ve studied but dude wanted to try and disprove that

This! We are never allowed to be beginners or have a casual interest. We have to be seasoned gear heads and those assholes still want to play judge and jury.

Nah bro, it’s not about fucking with your friends, or busting chops. It’s about sexist jokes, male superiority complexes and only seeing women as eye candy for the passenger seat. There are plenty of women out there who will bust your chops and take you down a peg.

I was never socialized to enjoy sports... Yet once I hit puberty...

Sorry man - but I call bullshit on this comment.

Shit like this gives me cancer.

well sure, because cars come with instruction manuals, boyfriends do not.