
This reminds me of that roast of Ann Coulter where so many just resorted to “lol horse face ugly lady” instead of poking at any of the incredibly low-hanging fruit that Ann Coulter offers.

I know he’s a dick, but little things like this remind me that he’s SUCH A DICK.

Always and forever:

Exactly. These victims’ pain, families and relationships/friendships that were ruined, jobs that were lost (from shows being shut down, projects ending, etc) is nothing to be gleeful or boastful about. This is a extremely painful thing for many people directly and indirectly affected.

Valid point. As someone who has not been subjected to harassment or assault by men (other than in a very minor way) I hadn’t really considered this point of view. Got so caught up in the take downs without enough appreciation of the continuing pain for victims (of all sexes).

Sounds very “Handmaid’s Tale”.

Thank you for what you do.

An anti-choicer who doesn’t respect peoples’ bodily autonomy when it comes to sex? COLOR ME SHOCKED.

Barack and Michelle campaigned hard as hell for Hillary with the singular message that we’ve got to keep his legacy alive. Now everything they said would happen is happening as the GOP works overtime to dismantle everything he built. Goodbye to Obamacare, regulations on wall street, protections for consumers,

So yeah. White Democrats. They’ll fuck us over just slightly less than the GOP. Now get out and vote!

I read between the lines. Mainly that you’re the kind of person who would say “This isn’t the right place for that kind of confrontation!” To which I would ask, “Where is?” Are we supposed to wait for Hoffman et. al. to host a panel on sexual harassment before it gets brought up?

What’s it like being a sexist asshat?

Er, you know John Oliver isn’t a journalist, right? And yet, a lot of journalists aren’t and haven’t been asking these questions. Sexual harassment is “rude” and “entirely unwelcome,” yet it’s been treated as a big joke by Hollywood for decades.

Nope. Oliver brought up harassment allegations against Hoffman while they were discussing a movie centered around harassment allegations. It’s literally the perfect time to ask Hoffman about them.

Speaking of Fred Armisen, I was really expecting there to be new accusations about him coming out.

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

Polanski is bad. Seder is good and thinks people defending Polanski are bad. Cernovich is a rapist.

I think everyone who works with him (in any capacity!) is complicit and worthy of our criticism.

See, it’s good, to me, that we’re in the habit of asking every A-list actor who continues to work with Woody Allen why they’re doing that.

I see where you are coming from. I really do.