
It’s because they are all about projection. They lie, therefore they are convinced we lie too.

A few months into the Trump administration, a WaPo journalist retweeted a call for the Trump faithful to inundate the paper with fake scoops to prove how easily fooled the reporters were and said basically, “Yeah, you guys have been trying this for months. We just haven’t printed any of your fake news because we

I think the snark in this article is more on Forbes for calling him the “feminist” choice than on Seth Meyers, who is just fine and certainly better than Ricky Gervais or Jimmy Fallon. I agree, Seth will probably be good at this. Also, Get Out is almost certainly going to win its category this year so it will probably

I heard he went streaking on the set of Parks and Rec. I don’t know if I’d classify that as sexual harassment per say but I wouldn’t classify that as appropriate work behavior for a grown man either.

We liked Andy.

Aaaaannnndddd there it is. I can’t believe I had to dig this far to find someone to blame Clinton.

Libya never had stable civil society. Gaddafi completely destroyed every institution except himself, a years long attempt to center the state around him and his personality. That was being discussed in regional studies years before the rebellion against him.

Gaddafi was an awful human being who did far worse to Libyans and specifically to black Libyans and black North Africans.

Libyan officials have condemned the practice of slave trading but said that they required more support from the international community.

When “Hotel Rwanda” Rwanda says “Whoa, whoa, Libya, y’all trippin’” you need to re-evaluate your life choices

I hope Ivanka is as desperate for celebrity approval as I think she is. I’m certain it kills Trump that he is not in favour at all with Hollywood (at least not publicly anyway, I’m looking at you Pratt*) and especially in comparison with Obama.

We have plenty to criticize that doesn’t go after her looks. Be better.

I believe he’s in the middle of battling alcoholism.

Sad Keanu always struck me as more contemplative/serene. Sad Affleck is legit miserable.

The snake screams??? The SNAKE SCREAMS????????!!!

You are operating under a very weird set of stereotypes, my friend.

Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.

I think you’re confusing Jason Mamoa for Blake Shelton.

@dichotomy: You must have read a different Bible than me. My feeling from reading it is that the Jewish-Christian-Muslim god is a jealous asshole.