I only wish I could downvote this comment... Those distances vary widely based upon the size of the warhead...
I only wish I could downvote this comment... Those distances vary widely based upon the size of the warhead...
Well, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Still waiting for them to implement a real name system, similar to how it works on the PS4. I only add people on steam if I actually know them, but whenever I look at my friends list, I have no idea who any of these people actually are.
Those are 2 different games. It's saying Total War: Kingdoms would be the mobile game. You need to work on your reading comprehension...
The checkpoints would have been fine if they just waited a few minutes before respawning... but nope, drive 20 feet away and turn around realizing you made a wrong turn, and all the enemies are back.
A decent house in a decent area for 100K? I highly doubt it. 500K+ minimum
All of the DLCs for Europa Universalis IV, especially Art of War
108 playable characters? I'm having Chrono Cross flashbacks...
To be fair, Super Mario 3D World did all that too, and it was still a fantastic game.
Yes they do, they bought White Wolf outright right about the time they started making this game.
*not* near a yellow star...
Now remember, if Superman is near a yellow star, then he has no superpowers at all, and thus would be the weakest of the three by a pretty large measure.
So, how long until they release this on new-gen consoles? I mean, assuming it's reusing a bunch of code and assets from AC4, it should be pretty easy to do... They are probably just going to wait a bit so it doesn't step on Unity's (horribly mangled) fingers...
The game is basically The Sims meets Medieval: Total War. Only with more infanticide. And yes, it is very fun, though it has a VERY steep learning curve. Note: Steam says I've put in close to 700 hours on the game. I'm pretty sure it's much more than that though...
Don't forget the Runaway Five bus!
I've never played it, and have to say that the time limit aspect of the game is the biggest reason why. I don't want to be time restricted in an open world game. There's a reason they patched out the time limit in the first Fallout game.
I recommend everyone stick around till the end of the video. Because fuck gamergate.
I was thinking about it recently, and I've decided that Earthbound is actually about a kid who has severe schizophrenia and antisocial disorder. He goes around beating his neighbors dogs and local wildlife to a pulp with his baseball bad, then goes on to beating up the local punks. Eventually the police try to deal…
Eh, more Civ V? No thanks, I haven't been able to go back to that since picking up Europa Universalis IV, which also has a massive expansion coming out next week.
So this is basically Feature Creep: The Game?