It's hotter than Cholula, sure, but it tastes nothing like it! Are you crazy? How can you even compare the two
It's hotter than Cholula, sure, but it tastes nothing like it! Are you crazy? How can you even compare the two
It's hotter than Cholula, sure, but it tastes nothing like it! Are you crazy? How can you even compare the two
It's hotter than Cholula, sure, but it tastes nothing like it! Are you crazy? How can you even compare the two
You want the best lyrics? Boom.
Why not build it into the chairs?
I work for the Park Service. I am going to continue posting science and facts on our parks website and social media accounts. This isn’t fucking North Korea and I’ll be damned if anyone tries to bully me into refuting cold hard data.
RUSSIA-bot went online 1233 EST January 20th 2017. (It has never been self aware)
“There’s a right thing to do,” Holden said.
“You don’t have a right thing, friend,” Miller said. “You’ve got a whole plateful of maybe a little less wrong.”
no doubt the OPA will take care of that:)
You don’t understand how calling HoIIV “mainstream”, or that it’s even approaching the approaches of mainstream, is an absurd thing to say?
Unfortunately, they’re starting to take a step back from it to go “mainstream” as evidenced by Hearts of Iron 4.
Obviously you explained to him how only ignoramuses use spaces.
Except you wouldn’t float, you’d still be moving at like 3000mph so your velocity would carry you past the exact center. It’s covered in the video, which you should watch before making stupid comments like this.
wait, what? who the hell is starring your idiot ass? you must belong to the “hollow earth” faction or some stupid shite like that to totally ignore the math/physics of the problem. please show your work for any possible partial credit, otherwise you score 0 points on this problem. F work. try harder next time,…
They literally made that joke onstage.
still the frog that always jumps half the distance , never makes it to shore...
If X-Wing is a knife fight on a dance floor, Armada is 1000 guns at 1000 paces while sipping a nice cup of tea.
I notice that ScreenRant couldn’t even spell “The Shining” right in their video. It was “The Shinning”. Jesus.
Hunt for red October. Please try and keep up.