
And this, friends, has been the person who provided the seeding for today’s extremist right wing. Not Fox News. Limbaugh has been on the air for over thirty years and the summation above is totally on point - he has spent four hours a day, every weekday on AM radio stations across the country, sputtering on about any

Yessssssssss. Barba can DEFINITELY get it.

Christ, these photos get more horrifying as you scroll. Can’t wait to see these men in my nightmares tonight...

I agree. I didn’t like reading it at first, but Margaret Wise Brown’s secret weapon in there is that the cadence is appealing to children while simultaneously having a sedative effect on them. If you have a wild-ass toddler who wants to read the same book over and over, “Good Night Moon” is extremely helpful at

So, I thought that this woman had died a long time ago, but nope - she apparently died in 2016 at the ripe old age of 92. Being evil really does promote longevity, doesn’t it?

I am exactly 0% surprised by this.

First guess likely gets it right...

People kept asking me last year why I was volunteering so much time to help re-elect our one moderate Dem senator (he ended up losing his seat to a repug). This is why:

Agreed. I hadn’t watched either of these since the 80's and then I dusted them off within the last year for my son who was interested after seeing the one with Leslie Jones, Katie Mackinnon, etc... I had forgotten how great both of these movies are! I didn’t realize that there was hate out there for the second one.

I’m so glad that you’re out, too. I’ve been there and I have felt unworthy of love myself. But you ARE worthy of love and you are beautiful and my hope for you is that you rediscover these things about yourself - it seems that now you’ll have the space to stretch out and do so. And that in and of itself is beautiful.

Christmas was more okay than I thought it was going to be this year. I’ve had a pretty shit year (my spouse came out as gay, and it has just been snowballing from there, unfortunately), so I really wasn’t looking forward to spending time with family. But is decided not to opt out this year and was pleasantly surprised

Look at those eyes ~ kitty is desperate to destroy that tree, lol! Such a pretty kitty, though :)

We did. Asshole had gone back inside and wouldn’t open the door when the cops came. I’m sure I’m really encouraging everyone here to go canvassing!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Last summer I had some asshole Trump supporter come out of his house and stand on his lawn screaming obscenities at my partner and I for ten minutes after we left his doorstep - he was angry that two Deomcrats would dare knock on his door. When we finished the block and returned to my partner’s car, this MAGAt

... he’s still out and about campaigning for people instead of fading into quiet Texan obscurity, so he must think he’s still got it.

But please leave us with Mike Hot-Pence. Thx!

Wow, I’d love to unsee that...

Six pages. Six fucking pages. Like a break-up letter you wrote on notebook paper to your high school boyfriend. Jeebus H. Khrist.

The 80's child in me shamelessly enjoys it, and I wouldn’t hate it if more places started to look a little like The Max... but not in MY house. They will have to unhook my claws from my low profile sofa and sputnik light fixtures...

The only thing this shoe evokes from me is ~ “Elsa was a late 1990's stripper? ok.”