
Yup. I grew up evangelical and I know exactly. My youth pastor was not the creep on the girls type, so far as I’m aware, but he was definitely bro-ey and hella immature. Which was fun at the time that I was 14, but is a little alarming when I look back on it now.

A youth pastor acted like an immature, entitled douche? I’m shocked!!

I think that suet is like the hard fat from beef cuts, where lard is the more malleable, meltable fat...? I believe? I don’t cook with either, so I also am no expert. I would think that the package would need to indicate suet if it’s just the fat vs. labeling it beef if there is actually no beef in there.

The New Yorker’s Helen Rosner pointed out on Twitter that mincemeat hasn’t actually contained meat for a century...

THIIIIISSSSSS. Let us never forget her representing Harvey Weinstein.

I have not yet seen this (because I am holding out on ponying up for yet another streaming service), but am just here to say - there is nothing that cannot be improved upon with the addition of Amy Sedaris. That is all.

Now playing

Ms. Chiquita would like a word with Science:

Verma, not Varma - fix headline, please!

A few years ago, the teen set around here was wearing those shorts where the the crotch was hike dway up into yeast infection territory and several inches of cheekage hung out below. Which, fine I guess. But I started to hate this trend when I went to a diner one morning and saw some girl wearing these vag shorts and s

They definitely had my vote in round 1 of the cancel bracket!

Yes! I am fascinated by Katie McHugh’s revelation that her detox from white nationalism began with reading pieces that Evans has written. I mean, we’ll wait and see if her conversion is legit and not just a media grab, but I do think that his approach is unique and powerful enough to affect someone in that way.

Was just listening to “Behind The Bastards” this morning and while Jerry Falwell is a known giant piece of shit, apparently he was the first to start widely spreading the narrative that the poor are ripping off all of the *honest, hard-working Americans* out here and that social programs are tanking the American

If they had their way, everyone on food stamps would have to smear soot on their faces and walk around in a gunny sack.

Hmmm... this guy is too white to play Jesus...?

Yes, but I doubt the Saudis would even bother. They don’t have a problem murdering journalists without even offering a decent lie about it. Not sure that they would be concerned enough about the implication in this case that they would have him killed.

Maxwell has been walking around free and easy

Oh my god, he WAS! And I’d completely forgotten (once these shows are done, my brain opens up and releases all of that useless knowledge). I guess I anticipated that it would be more interesting than it apparently was. Whoops!

Along the same lines of the adults-only baby showers I keep getting invites to... HARD eyeroll. Like, you bitches know that the end game here is a child, right? But you can’t be bothered to tolerate one in your presence...?

They consistently choose the WRONG person for each new season now. I could barely watch the last season... this one is going to be a snoozefest as well, it appears. Bachelor in Paradise is where it’s at - would love to see Mike on that show!