
You think a city that is 40% non-white is, *checks notes*, “mayo on white bread with a glass of milk”?

What a Day reported on this this morning, and apparently Anthony Scaramucci read the same Cheyenne/Brayden script too... the audio was decidedly less enthusiastic than McGrath’s.

She has! On her first season, her grandfather’s work was a major point of her introduction. She even hosted an event that honored him. I guess being adjacent doesn’t impart the education that we wish it would...

So, I read your comment -> heard a drum rimshot in my head -> thought about the fact that it is called a rimshot -> considered this Instagram photo again -> have come full-circle. Namaste.

Yes, I remember hearing that, because even in 1939 there was backlash over her winning for that role and because she played maid roles in several movies, and I believe that was her response to the whole thing.

Former Splinter Troll Finds New Burrow in Jezebel’s Comments Section”

the women had been talking about how Kenya had been the second African American woman to win Miss U.S.A., which led to a discussion about Hattie McDaniel, the first black person to win an Academy Award, for her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind. So, when Kenya first said, “I’m Gone with the Wind fabulous” she meant

If you subscribed to the cult of Kondo this year, your house is likely echoing in emptiness (how joyful!) - now it’s time for phase 2 of her master plan ;)

What? In the actual fuck...

Oh, friend - he has tapped a whole new (to him) market through this most recent pivot. I’m sure you’ll be shocked to find that the same folks who brought you Orange Nero are currently stanning Kanye so hard that their eyes are rolling back in their heads from ecstasy at the thought that he may be a part of their

Handle + avatar = checks out

I read this headline as “grifted veneers”... Also applicable, I guess!

Well, check the Slot again - covered and posted about 3 minutes ago. Looks like they will continue to cover the hearings.

I don’t believe that its an act either. Preet Bharara scored a rare interview with Conway for his podcast last month and it was really interesting. Naturally, Bharara tried to veer into the territory of their relationship dynamic and Conway shut him down on that, but I think that Bharara is a sharp enough prosecutor

Agreed. The public’s collective malaise about this whole thing (mine included) is so very telling - people were GLUED to tv and newspaper reports during the Clinton impeachment hearings. The whole country was watching very closely.

It’s tough to be a bébé!

Stick to gossip and faaaaaaashion!!

I can.

since the source I’d usually consult for these facts has passed away...

I was 12 when Terminator 2 came to theaters and it was the first Terminator movie that I saw. My grandma frequently watched the hokey Beauty and the Beast tv series, so that first shot of Linda Hamilton where she’s doing pullups with those kick-ass biceps in her isolation cell was an absolute revelation (and so was Ed