Also, how will he staff Mar-A-Lago without literal loopholes in his big, beautiful border wall?
Also, how will he staff Mar-A-Lago without literal loopholes in his big, beautiful border wall?
This stuff has definitely been called out several times within the last few years, yet it somehow persists. I don’t get it because #mommyneedsadrink isn’t anything new current culture is just normalizing it.
General modern mommy culture is very obnoxious. These women are successful because they’re good at lampooning it.
Friend, if you’ve been to Kentucky... those tattoos seem highly plausible.
Oh my goodness, thanks for sharing - that place is incredible! And only for a mere $13.5 million!
I just recently learned that the Mayans’ Dec 2012 prophecy was a prediction of the end... followed by the marking of another beginning. So the Mayans basically knew what we are now learning: that this waking nightmare never actually ends.
Ohhh, I have that on my list of “to read someday”! I can imagine that it makes good newborn nursing time reading material!
Viewing the original listing: that kitchen does not meet the expectation of an $88 million asking price. Yikes.
For real. Vicki not only never takes responsibility for the shit that she stirs, but then stares dead-eyed at the person requesting an apology before launching into a screaming tirade that also never makes any sense. When is Andy going to call curtains on her?
Please JESUS - let this be a clean out!!! My short list of gals who have to go:
She cried for like, two minutes, and she’s the happiest kid ever now.
I know!!!! I’m like, Nadine - you and that model are the same size. You are a designer. Have you seriously never designed clothes for yourself?
I think it’s much more about Bristol’s hypocrisy and her stretching of her beliefs to accommodate whatever situation she presently finds her self in, rather than a blanket condemnation of sex work and sex workers...
Birds of a feather, indeed!
Ditto - lets hear it for ‘94-’98!!
Sure, but the real question is: do you Strangcore?
Hey! No, I moved out of state and then returned and live in the Indy area. I think most college towns in this state are dominated by the university, but South Bend has historically not been that way so much, you know?
South Bend native here and totally agree. I moved away for college in ‘98, but a large number of my friends stayed in town and attended ND. My best high school friend is Indian and she told me that she never really felt like a minority in our community until she started school at ND.
Denise Richards didn’t care who Charlie Sheen brought to her wedding.