

Oh, Jesus. I’m very sorry to inform you, but if you’re complaining about not being just a TV show on a TV show that has chronicled your entire adult life thus far and been responsible for all of the wealth that you currently enjoy... you are basically a TV show.

I just listened to the final (for now) episode of Dirtcast and between hearing it there and reading it in this article, today marks both the first and second time in my life that I’ve heard the term “sumo orange”. I had to google it. I’ve eaten a bazillion of those and never knew that that was their rightful name.

There is nothing more midwestern than mayonnaise in a cake recipe.

Its also very ugly for bisexual men. They may as well be invisible. (My hubby’s bi, so I get pretty ratcheted up about bi invisibility).

I love this and would love to participate in one. I find myself at the Greek Orthodox Church every so often because it feels like a way to connect with family that has passed on - by participating in ritual that was so deeply important to them.

Nothing has scared the shit out of me regarding this kind of stuff like that “True Life: I Hate My Plastic Surgery” episode. One of the contributors had her silicone implants removed because they were indeed making her sick. She had them removed and she was free of the symptoms that she had been experiencing.

Oh, did you mean He Who Shall Not Be Named?

!!!!Don’t you come for my Queer Eye Boys!!!!

They also tend to have an annoying aversion to blackout curtains

Honestly, I think it’s a few things: 1.) Education in this state is greatly underfunded. 2.) A huge chunk of college grads look for employment in other states because we have a slow, dying white collar job market. And precious little blue collar job market. 3.) Republicans are continually elected to our state

ETA: teacher, firefighter and police pensions, not salaries!

They’re pushing for lawmakers to include an amendment prohibiting the practice as part of a school safety bill currently up for debate.

My son asked me the other day if we could find that movie on Netflix and I had to break the bad news to him that it isn’t a real movie. He was completely flummoxed - “Sure it is - Kevin’s watching it on his TV”.

I JUST realized that she sounds just like Don Jr.

Maybe she’d be receptive if you sent her some articles on it?

Oh my goodness, THANK YOU for sharing this post!

PLEASE let this storyline be dead soon. This is the most boring season of Beverly Hills yet...

I was just thinking of Brain Balance while reading this! One just opened up near my son’s barber shop and I read up on it. Holy shit, what a scam!

At least churches provide services to the communities that they are in (food pantries, etc...).