
you missed the sarcasm.

I hate that as a country we can talk about food stamp/medicare/welfare fraud allll day, but fraudulent defense spending? NOT IN THIS COUNTRY PINKO.

Here, Canada

Why not a mixture of vinegar and water together? That way, when the cars wreck they’ll be all like “DOOOSH!”

I’ll take a Hilux -

Most people won’t notice, and I think that’s what they’re counting on.

The vast majority of folks aren’t going to notice a .6 second increase in 0-60 time. The MPG drop is somewhat unpleasant, but in the grand scheme of things you’re still getting 45+ MPG. Far better than most vehicles.

Not sure if 4 mpg is a “plummet.”

If you’re not aware that clean, fresh water is a shrinking resource, then you need to do some research.

Water isn’t disappearing, but there’s a scarcity of clean water. And human activity tends to consume more water than dinosaur activity (not to mention that human population is only growing).

Remember, we have ~10% of the population of the USA. There are more people in California. Americans do everything slow, look how long it’s taking them to move to metric!

US credit card procedure has been behind the rest of the first world for decades. This is still chip and sig, not even chip and pin.

Really? I thought you guys had already jumped on that band wagon! It’s been nation wide here in Canada since 2011-2012.


FINALLY - A worthy replacement for my 1970 CT90.

The doors unnecessary....not the hinge.

I never realized they hinged there too. These are actually pretty cool, unnecessary, but cool.