saabstory | fixes bikes, breaks cars

But they just lost the WEC to Toyota with three cars to Toyota's two. Audi only 1-2'd COTA and Le Mans, also their only wins, and 2/3 of their podiums, while Toyota had three 1-2's and finished on the podium every race. Seems to me that number of cars and success in championships are not strongly correlated.

They do not. They do, however have the top 3 drivers. If you only used Lopez' and Miller's points, they'd still win the manufacturers' competition.

I don't think you should discount the effect of either.

I can kiiiiinnnddd ooffff see this point. Kind of. But what stuck out to me was the labeling of the Veneno and Egoista as "game-changers". I think I missed something here - what game was changed by these two? The only thing the Egoista revolutionized were my standards of garishness and ugliness.

Beats the Catalunya paddock shitters:

Nope. Nope nope. I just turned eighteen, nope. Please nope. No more please.

Beat me to it.

It's so they can drop an LS in it.

Now let's see an Alonso, Webber, Raikkonen and Button team.

I love that flight attendant. She better get some sort of recognition for how she handled this.

I can't explain how jealous I am of you.

This is how to be a good thing.

That's heavy traffic?!

"If an event such as this happens again, I will not accept calling anything other than the Second Cumming."

Oh, History in Pictures.

I talked with someone about this on Oppo the other day, but I think (without driving either) that if I were to buy a Corvette or a Viper, I'd end up with the Viper despite all the numbers, reviews and suggestions in the world going to the Chevy. There's something about the new Viper that just makes me want one so bad.

These events are riddled with crashes like this.

Dammit, I'm not followed by Jalopnik. Help a brother out, Raphael?

Cowards and commies.