saabstory | fixes bikes, breaks cars

Opel missed the boat on these. One should flip in one direction and the other should flip in the opposite direction. Then you could build stops into the mechanism to make the car look crosseyed or walleyed depending on the way the factory decided to flip them and you could change their rotational direction by swapping

I do appreciate your hard work, but you failed to take into account preexisting health conditions or the possibility that he eats like this every single day

Maybe I’m a soulless monster but I didn’t find any of this funny or entertaining or even mischievous.

Because that jury is going to care more? Murder of bicyclists might as well be legal considering how people treat it. Be sober, stay at the scene, say the magic words. Done. It’s now the bicyclists fault unless there is video. no liability of either the criminal or civil variety.

Whats with the scale of the 2nd picture? 747's are huge, but their engines aren’t the size locomotives.

36 episodes...fuck yeah! No more 6 episode seasons followed by binge watching old seasons

Don Norman advocated this kind of driver feedback in his book The Design of Future Things (Basic Books, 2006).

Thats a fucked up reply. Appalling taste and not really the vibe around here.

He wasn’t too drunk to MANUALLY ENTER THE MULTIPLIER in the app to confirm his ride. Fuck that guy. Uber is guilty of some horrible anti-labor shit but I have no sympathy for these idiots who can’t do math.

The most ridiculous Aero in motorsports.

Videos of westerners reacting to terrible events (e.g. 9/11) frequently include endless cries of “Oh God” - it’s basically equivalent isn’t it? Shouting “Allahu Akbar” doesn’t automatically make you a terrorist or a fundamentalist. (As far as I’m aware.)

If an American city was being attacked with Russian helicopters you don’t think some people might run around yelling “Oh my God!”?

-Did business with Nazis ...Yes

Occam’s Razer (sic) suggests that the Raiders don’t want to acknowledge a Super Bowl that will be played down the road in Santa Clara

Now playing

A quality analysis. I think a show all about cars would do well with enthusiast, but sell poorly to the general audience (where have I heard that before?) So what you get is car themed bullshit, for a spot on parody of it refer to this:

To quote my post:

I always say. “let’s call the cops. They know the law. The person at fault will get ticketed.” Then I pull out my phone and calmly volunteer to call 911.

Critical Mass (from what I understand anyway) isn’t the issue. A group of assholes riding under the banner of Critical Mass is the issue.

I love riding my bike. I hate assholes like this. They put my life in danger even though I live on the other side of the country. Fuck Critical Mass.