saabstory | fixes bikes, breaks cars

This isn't a sports car.

Moore's Law is no longer applicable as the amount of effort it takes to double the number of transistors on a microprocessor is now much higher. The current rate is about 2x as many every 3 years.

Good thing it isn't on Drive because I don't watch enough of their videos to warrant paying.

I had no idea this was happening. This is a terrible thing. It disgusts me and I am sorry that y'all people got this crap.

I love that car.

There's a subreddit for this. It's called x-ray. It's the creepiest thing I've seen since that James May fansite forum stalker place.

No, no it's not. No.

American football fans.

This car is gorgeous, but these big carbon appendages on the front are way too big. If they'd downsize the front end just a little it'd be close to perfect.

Is this Travis? This guy screams Travis to me.

Okay, first off, this is my Agera R. Holy balls is it pretty!! But why do so many cars have inlets shaped like this?


Oh, but that did happen!

But what is gas?! She mentions it, but I have no idea what that is.

They should attach the wing from above. At least I think that's more efficient...

It may be ugly, but you cannot deny it has character, and dare I say it? CHARISMA. I would appreciate the driver of this... thing... more than a Zonda or LaFerrari because this thing is pretty weird and unconventional. They weren't boring and they didn't choose the obvious (or even a good) path.

Chiiiiillllll oooouuuuttttttt.

Pacific Raceways. Mostly just because it's near me. But it's a beautiful track.

Make it myself.