
I work in education. So I spend my day instilling hope and optimism and sense and logic in people. I think it frustrates me to see idiots like this who seemingly negate my efforts to make the world a better place just by opening his mouth and having a platform to spew his idiocy. ... I feel like each day is

Texts are private with my kids UNLESS they’ve PERSONALLY given my reason to look. If they would like 100% private cell phones, they are welcome to get jobs & pay their own phone bills. I’ve only had to do it once after finding baggies with pot residue in the room my son shares with his 2 younger brothers.

and while large pouty lips are rarely appreciated on women like me (read: not white), i have to say i am glad i don’t have to do any of this sh*t to get mine to look like that. i just need a little gloss over a matte, and i’m good to go. i’m sure all the black people who were harassed for their natural features in the

Oh, Natasha, we get it. You’re still closer to Teen than Exhausted Parent. But trust me this article will come back to haunt you in some way.

“Filmed by another woman across the street.”

The ACLU makes an app called mobile justice so you can record police encounters and immediately send to the ACLU if they come at you all crazy. It also has info on your rights and how to deal with police. Download it! Police the police!

Here’s the thing: just shut up about NOT being racist and listen to the comments. Nobody said it was purposeful, but that that characterization leads to identifying a cultural identity with a societal identity. People aren’t out to get you, just have you think about your beliefs a little. It’s a freakin’ opportunity

Braids are most definitely a part of black culture. and to insinuate that cornrows are some “jail” hairstyle when young and old black girls have been wearing them since forever is hella racist.

The thing I’m most outraged by is that she MISSED A PIECE!!! IS THIS NOT INCLUDED IN HAIRSTYLING 101???

Like come on. I don’t even have wrinkles.

I’m having a shitty day (our dog died this morning), so this gave me a good laugh thinking about all of the furniture my husband and I have tried to assemble together.

There are never enough babies to kill.

If schools really wanted to be healthy, they would not be doing 2-3 periods of math and 2-3 periods of English a day to test prep. A growing number of schools have science and social studies as a rotating subject. I don’t want to do 2 or 3 periods of math a day, why in the hell would kids? More time in math =/= more

Also, just WTF with this statement.She is actually saying that women should just work harder than men to be treated equally. DO MORE WORK TO BE TREATED THE SAME. I just. I just can’t.

Still applicable.

Now playing

Let us not forget that Charo is a goddamn boss:

I think I’d have to be a man to be a mansplainer, right? Or do people think I’m actually Freddie Mercury?

you always hear the “don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry” advice, and I agree with that. On the flip side of that - don’t go grocery shopping after you’ve just had a big pig out meal. I’ve done that and end up not getting hardly anything and I have to make another trip much sooner than I planned

Shopping while hungry? What about shopping while stoned?