It’s so weird to hear H. Jon Benjamin’s voice come from his actual human body. But I like it!
It’s so weird to hear H. Jon Benjamin’s voice come from his actual human body. But I like it!
I’m not yet a parent, but seriously thinking about going forward with it and I find this “parental choice/parental control” obsession in the US to be scary. Please, don’t make me 100% responsible for the life of a tiny human! I’ll do my very best to keep said human alive, healthy, and happy, but I don’t have the time…
lololol. Oh, Maggie.
I’ve been with Mr. Cylontater for 14 years and never touched his brush. I guess my fucks have yet to run out.
Do you think they meant the hard times they went through in the media when they supported their father after he graphically pontificated about an atheist father watching his family being raped and murdered?
Every time I hear someone say “he was just a kid” I can’t help but think of Tamir Rice. He was 12 and playing with a toy gun when he was gunned down by police for looking like a man with a weapon. And all the support those police officers received because there was no way they could know he was a child, and Rice…
And how is the standard for the culpability of child molestation based on how traumatized the victim is? So we can forgive child molestation if the victim really isn’t affected?! Wtf. Also, if something like this occurred in a family like the kardashians the people defending the duggars would be the first out for…
The “not-quite-voguing boy on a dog chain” is a lady — the New Zealand choreographer Parris Goebel who worked with bandmate Taeyang on Ringa Linga...and is likely responsible for much of the Bang Bang Bang choreo...
Thanks for this...I have a bizzare love affair w/ Kpop & Kdrama - it is my fluff & fills me with a cotton candy joy long as I don’t deconstruct them.
Part of the story is that they’ve been together TEN YEARS. A lifetime in K-Pop terms.
Not the least of which because people can have their children taken away from them for such “free range” parenting these days... — where Jezebel defectors go — knew to highlight her views in a video clip, and not refer to the hug at all.
Because thinness in white women is shorthand for a number of things: education level, class, force of will. Stuff like that. The white woman who is thin is doing it right. She’s eating 1200 calories a day or less. She goes to the gym regularly, doesn’t miss a workout. If she drinks wine at dinner, she’s not having the…
Eating a healthy diet and going to the gym regularly is no guarantee you’ll be thin, either.
1. Yes, Zack Braff means areolas.
2. You mean VOWELS.
3. Da fuq is wrong with you Tommy Boy is HILARIOUS!!!!!!
...fat guy in a little coattt...
If you read the report, you can clearly see that the victims were his sisters. Jim bob and Michelle are named as the victims parents
It is consumer led, but I don’t think it’s a problem consumers can fix: for many, shopping at the FF21/H&M/Old Navy level is not just about being drawn to cheap. It makes financial sense to save for robust items...but being poor is all about not having enough money to make sound financial decisions, even if you know…
Why do people think saying “no offense” is a magic phrase that protects you from getting yelled at for a shitty opinion? People are going to get offended no matter your intention. Just stop it and say what you want to say.