
I just left my very well respected physician because I realized once he put me on anxiety meds 2 years ago during a very high stress period of my life, he started dismissing anything I came in for. Earlier this year I called his office after a reaction to some sushi and caused my tongue to begin to swell. The nurse

I have 2 mirrors in my bedroom and they're pretty much side by side. One is on the wall and the other is the kind you hang over a door. The wall mirror makes me look about 10-15 lbs heaver than the door mirror but for some sadistic reason I don't take either down. When I look in the door mirror, I feel much, much

There's a waitress at a Mexican restaurant near me that has really, really long artificial nails with jewels and stuff on them and I'm always surprised they let her serve like that. Her nails are so long they go into the food when she's carrying a plate and I'm always afraid one of them or the stuff on them will fall

I was like CL!!! She's the best.


Totally off topic but Shut Up Flower Boy Band is probably one of my favorite dramas of all time and this gif is magic!


Holy crap, I just googled trypophobia and I have had it for 40 YEARS and didn't know it had a name! THANK YOU

I find him attractive in this video on a purely physical level. Hot guy = lusty thoughts. That was the extent.

I am ashamed to say that I was also like "DAMN, he is making me feel things!"

I was at Target a couple of weeks ago browsing in the shirts when I came upon a rather loud conversation between a white guy and an Asian woman. They were trying to find her a shirt in her size but it was clear they were unable to communicate at all. He kept gesturing and loudly saying "SMALLER OR BIGGER? JUST TELL

Both of my children are Korean and when we met my son and his foster mom for the first time, she kept pointing out that not only did he have naturally wavy hair, he had an eyelid crease! She kept saying it and pointing to it and saying it was special but we didn't know about the surgery at the time and just smiled and

I could be you! I was a fat kid who would have done anything to be thin and after losing 10lbs from a stomach bug, I decided to keep the ball rolling and began to exercise all the time and avoided all fats (this was the late 80s/early 90s when fat was the enemy) and in about 6 months I dropped 40 more pounds.

My two favorite shows of all time are Living Single and the Golden Girls and I realized one day that they're kinda the same show and then I loved them more.

If you get TVOne, they play it all the time.

Thanks very much and I did crawl out but it took a long time. I think that because we set out to do this purposefully and because I didn't have an infant, I didn't get to complain or ask for help when it got to be too much. It was very eye-opening because people are always like "adoption is so wonderful!" until it

I agree with this so much. My kids are adopted and my son was 9 months old when we brought him home from Korea. I was as terrified, tired and freaked out as any new mom but my husband's boss called him back to work a week early (he had saved 2 weeks but we traveled for the first 6 days of it) and when he protested it,

We had cicadas here 2 summers ago and it was just awful. I hate most bugs but these fuckers are horrifying. They were literally everywhere and you couldn't even walk into the grocery store without them swarming and flying at you. I sat in a Target parking lot for like 20 minutes trying to work up the courage to walk

Hell yes! I made these as Christmas gifts for every woman in my family. Sadly, I spelled my aunt's name wrong but damn if those sweatshirts weren't fabulous anyway (for 1988)!