
A big part of it is a tax dodge to try and claim he doesn’t have residence in California, thus he doesn’t have to pay California taxes.

No mature adult would tolerate the kind of conditions that Musk is trying to put on Twitter workers.

I wouldn’t say it’s a “strange” fascination; time employees aren’t in the office is time they’re not making money for Dear Leader. And given that’s he’s gotten rid of so many people, and eliminated WFH, he needs people to sleep there to be on call.

That’s not remotely related to the situation.

None of that matters. Quite frankly, again, there is no excuse for not having a diverse cast, let alone not having anyone but white people in a video game in 2022. The idea that there is some kind of “artistic merit" to racism does not hold up.

That interpretation isn’t any better. It’s 20 fucking 22. There is zero excuse for lacking diversity in your cast.

You can sideload on Android. However, if Fortnite couldn't even make it through just sideloading, I doubt Twitter would.

The Windows Phone YT app didn't show ads. That's pretty core to the YT business. I wouldn't say it was an arbitrary decision.

“Home come this is never mentioned?”

“If you stop and think about it, police generally are where the crime is”

“Can’t we all just get a long until after Christmas?”

The only problem with Hive is that, apparently, usernames are not unique.

When it comes to Twitter’s liability, no.

And they won’t find themselves entangled in Trump bullshit?

“In the past a “negative tweet” was anything posted by someone with a conservative view.”

I suppose a number of people that he wanted to leave did leave (although, why didn’t he just lay them off last week?), but the issue is that tons of other “critical” employees also left.

“From a purely financial standpoint, it’s private now, and you can’t possibly have a stake in it”

“dont want to work hard get out”

Literally nobody is disputing that. On the contrary, we’re advising them to take the money offered and leave.

In addition to what everyone else has said, the WARN Act still applies. The first round of layoffs was a week or two ago, any layoffs (or really, any firings without cause) fall under that same layoff, and require the same rules.